Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Space Claiming and Protection Verse

Protection Verse and Claiming Your Space Prayer

"I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to be present with me now as I intend for the most appropriate healing to take place. Please help guide any earthbound spirits to the light during this whole process, and remove any other energies that are not meant to be in my space."

Claiming Your Space

"My name is (state your full name as it appears on your birth certificate). I claim my space as my own. Any other person, spirit, entity or energy form does not have permission to be in my space and needs to go now. If any relatives were attached to me, I give you a heartfelt farewell, and ask you to understand that, even though you didn't realize it, your presence in my space has been causing my body to be ill. Please look for the Light. Someone you know will be there, waiting to guide you into the Light. I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to assist any spirits or entities who are unable to help themselves, and guide them out of my space and into the Light, or wherever is most appropriate. I give thanks knowing it is done." "

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