Tuesday, September 7, 2010

October 2005 Sonoma West Times article, page 2

October 2005 Sonoma West Times article, page 1

December 2005 The Long Islander

Spiritual Coaching with Kelly

Here is a brief overview of what is covered in a spiritual coaching series.

In the spiritual coaching sessions we look at family make up and relationships. We look for the patterning in which you grew up and how that patterning may be limiting you. You learn to develop your neutral observer, so that you can view your painful issues without being consumed by them. We do grounding and meditation exercises, journaling, and work on whatever goals come up. Sometimes we realize we may be dealing with scarcity/abundance or victim/tyrant issues, etc. You will utilize your spiritual practice on a daily basis, in order to bring about transformation.

If you're looking for a catalyst for change, consider going on this journey with Kelly as your guide.
Many blessings to you~