I had been booted out of the 9 to 5 world yet again in early 2010, and was becoming very discouraged and depressed. I’d been praying about my next step, wanting to increase my understanding of the healing work I’d been doing with a partner for now 18 years. I want this work, that I know to be important and effective, to be somehow acknowledged, if not understood, so I can hold my head up high and tell people with certainty the hazards of living with untreated spirit attachment, and past life and current life trauma lodged in the human energy field. I wish also to be able to offer the treatments, and teach people how to clear themselves.
One day last week I came home from somewhere and Carl was very animated about a documentary he had just seen on Tibetan Medicine. So, I got some books from the library written by Dr. Yeshi Donden, one time physician to the Dalai Lama. In the very first chapter of Health Through Balance, he describes human illness starting from the very biggest picture, of all illness originating from a single cause he calls "ignorance" but which I understand to be the veil of separation between us and God or Oneness- the thing that started the ball of polarities rolling - distilling it down to the fact that there are 404 disorders that can afflict humans (with variations on each, of course, ultimately equaling 84,000 afflictions -all of which of course begin with emotional causes).
Tibetan Medicine Classification of Disease
25% of all disorders are caused by past life trauma
25% of all disorders are caused by early childhood and other current life trauma
25% of all disorders are caused by spirits, and
25%, called superficial disorders, can be remedied merely by a change of diet and behavior patterns.
This came immediately after I had received a response from a woman who has been doing Reiki in Tacoma and Seattle area hospitals. I had been networking and had sent a long description of my experience, focusing on spirit attachment caused by anesthesia, and she provided a detailed reply. Aside from referring me to Highline Hospital in Federal Way, she said I should leave out the talk of "spirits" when applying for any hospital job, and that I should forget about Franciscan and Multi Care Hospitals because they are most certainly influenced by a recent denunciation of Reiki made by a Catholic bishop in NY.
I thought about that for a minute. In order to go do Reiki in a hospital setting, I would have to keep this knowledge to myself - this important information I was given in such glorious detail - and pretend to "unknow" it, that which has been so thoroughly shown to me, that which has such serious implications for all people, particularly Americans. My heart sank. Then the info about Tibetan Medicine came in.
Here's my validation. Somehow, while on our own spiritual and healing paths, Patty and I developed an understanding of the spiritual causes of illness, and proceeded to narrow afflictions down to three of the four above mentioned classifications, and treat in our unique ways. In some cases and particularly more recently, Patty was recommending the use of certain vitamins, supplements, diet changes, as well, which would address afflictions in the fourth category. We had tapped into knowledge older than Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, older than Buddhism, and put it to use. That completely blows my mind.
So, I’m doing what I can, following the thread. There appears to be no place to go, to be trained in Tibetan Medicine. I am making inquiries, but the focus of Tibetan medicine in the USA is largely botanical and herbal.
I’ll keep reading the books, doing my gratitude meditations, and see what happens next. But most important, I feel I have been given the most wonderful validation imaginable – I am somehow tapped into the oldest system of healing on the planet, and if I keep asking, I will continue to be guided. I want to know more, and do more for Humanity.
“I live in gratitude. I live in gratitude. I live in gratitude.”
Reiki Certification, Reiki Sessions, Continuing Education Contact hours Place Clearing, Spirit Clearing since 1992. Now in Santa Barbara, CA
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
I am seeking opportunities to do Reiki in a professional setting. I was certified in 2002, have done many healings in my home and at client's homes, and have taught classes on Reiki and the Human Energy field. I was the first Reiki Practitioner to be listed on the Complementary Therapy Provider list at Face to Face/Sonoma County AIDS Network in 2003. In 2009, I published a book, Ghost Symptoms: Break the Spell and be Well, available on Amazon.com, recounting my 14 years of collaboration with a psychic healer from 1992 to 2006.
During that time, we formulated a technique called the Claim Your Space technique which can be administered as part of the Reiki treatment. It is based on the idea that "densities" in the human energy field cause illness, and that by making an out loud verbal statement of intent, one can clear one's human energy field of densities, which can sometimes include the spirits of deceased people. We found that when a person's vibrational frequency is compromised by experiencing trauma, using alcohol or drugs to extreme intoxication or over a prolonged period, or going under general anesthesia, for example, he or she can inadvertently become attached by the spirit of a confused deceased person who needs help getting to the Light.
A person in a hospital environment is presumably ill and would be energetically susceptible. The process of being under general anesthesia greatly intensifies the vulnerability. When one is merged with the spirit of a deceased person, one takes on all of their physical symptoms, emotional states, addictions and even food preferences and sexual orientation.
So, in hospital settings you have a bubbly soup of confused souls who died while under general anesthesia or while heavily sedated or in a coma and are not aware of their new condition, and many energetically drained ill people and who undergo surgeries and processes that make them even more vulnerable. These human energy fields collide with lost deceased souls and when the patients wake up post-surgery, they are often burdened with much more than the effects of anesthesia.
We have encountered many people who, after submitting to a surgery requiring general anesthesia, claim to have come home with a whole new set of symptoms, not associated with their original condition. They would repeatedly return to the doctor complaining of new symptoms, be put on some kind of prescription, and their conditions steadily declined, without any sort of logical explanation. When we applied the Claim Your Space technique in combination with Reiki, the clients would claim a complete disappearance of their symptoms within 48 hours. We have facilitated the spontaneous healing of congestive heart failure, thyroid failure, Hepatitis C, AIDS, panic attacks, stroke related paralysis and too many others to recount. The use of Reiki during this process is vastly helpful because the high frequency Reiki energy helps to dislodge the more solid forms in the field, greatly facilitating the clearing process. The Reiki also repairs the vulnerable spots in the field, thereby greatly reducing the client's chances of being reinvaded and suffering unnecessary symptoms. Reiki treatments therefore speed up the recovery process significantly, as well as bring about the elimination of myriad symptoms.
I have spoken to many folks dubbed Reiki Masters who have not received the Dai Ko Myo Master Symbol, and who have no idea how to use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol to effect deeper healing. I am currently making myself available to provide the Master Symbol, teach the many uses of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, as well as the use of the Claim Your Space technique.
I welcome any opportunity to provide Reiki healing to those in need, lecture, teach or speak to anyone regarding what I have learned in my own practice of now 18 years.
During that time, we formulated a technique called the Claim Your Space technique which can be administered as part of the Reiki treatment. It is based on the idea that "densities" in the human energy field cause illness, and that by making an out loud verbal statement of intent, one can clear one's human energy field of densities, which can sometimes include the spirits of deceased people. We found that when a person's vibrational frequency is compromised by experiencing trauma, using alcohol or drugs to extreme intoxication or over a prolonged period, or going under general anesthesia, for example, he or she can inadvertently become attached by the spirit of a confused deceased person who needs help getting to the Light.
A person in a hospital environment is presumably ill and would be energetically susceptible. The process of being under general anesthesia greatly intensifies the vulnerability. When one is merged with the spirit of a deceased person, one takes on all of their physical symptoms, emotional states, addictions and even food preferences and sexual orientation.
So, in hospital settings you have a bubbly soup of confused souls who died while under general anesthesia or while heavily sedated or in a coma and are not aware of their new condition, and many energetically drained ill people and who undergo surgeries and processes that make them even more vulnerable. These human energy fields collide with lost deceased souls and when the patients wake up post-surgery, they are often burdened with much more than the effects of anesthesia.
We have encountered many people who, after submitting to a surgery requiring general anesthesia, claim to have come home with a whole new set of symptoms, not associated with their original condition. They would repeatedly return to the doctor complaining of new symptoms, be put on some kind of prescription, and their conditions steadily declined, without any sort of logical explanation. When we applied the Claim Your Space technique in combination with Reiki, the clients would claim a complete disappearance of their symptoms within 48 hours. We have facilitated the spontaneous healing of congestive heart failure, thyroid failure, Hepatitis C, AIDS, panic attacks, stroke related paralysis and too many others to recount. The use of Reiki during this process is vastly helpful because the high frequency Reiki energy helps to dislodge the more solid forms in the field, greatly facilitating the clearing process. The Reiki also repairs the vulnerable spots in the field, thereby greatly reducing the client's chances of being reinvaded and suffering unnecessary symptoms. Reiki treatments therefore speed up the recovery process significantly, as well as bring about the elimination of myriad symptoms.
I have spoken to many folks dubbed Reiki Masters who have not received the Dai Ko Myo Master Symbol, and who have no idea how to use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol to effect deeper healing. I am currently making myself available to provide the Master Symbol, teach the many uses of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, as well as the use of the Claim Your Space technique.
I welcome any opportunity to provide Reiki healing to those in need, lecture, teach or speak to anyone regarding what I have learned in my own practice of now 18 years.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Dietary Cleansing is Claiming Your Space
I caught some flack from a friend on Facebook the other day for mentioning my intention to do a 40 day cleansing plan in honor of the Lenten season. If you've read my book, Ghost Symptoms: Break the Spell and Be Well, all this talk about densities will make more sense to you.
Since Claiming Your Space is all about removing densities in your human energy field so that you will feel better, it is logical you would want to clear out your digestive tract. There are obvious health reasons to want to remove the mucoid placque lining in your tract - because it blocks the absorption of nutrients, becomes toxic and leads to disease, and also increases your body weight.
But from an energetic perspective, that dense, dark, putrid mucoid lining of your entire intestinal tract is the largest density a person can have. If you endeavor to use the psyllium shakes and the herbs that loosen the placque, and eliminate that solid mass from your system, not only will you begin to function more efficiently as a physical being and eliminate a huge source of disease, your human energy field will be able to hold more light, and that makes you better in every way.
So, a dietary cleanse is an important part of a spiritual clearing regimen. In ancient Chinese Medicine, they recommend a dietary cleanse at the change of every season. I realized that's what Lent is. Giving up the coffee, carbs, candy, etc, is eliminating major sources of acid from your system. When you eat only the shakes and fresh raw vegetables and fruit, you establish an alkaline condition which leads to elimination of aches and pains, heart disease, cancers of all kinds, skin problems, etc. It all goes hand in hand.
Determining to increase your efforts to connect to spirit at this time aids in dislodging the densities, since you will be bringing in the pure Light of Spirit. Focusing on things you are grateful for changes your emotional set point, which ABRAHAM says has to do with your vibrational frequency. Meditating on things that make you feel good, joyful, etc, raises your emotional setpoint which makes your vibrational frequency more attuned to Spirit, you are able to hold more light and then you can manifest your dreams. When you're bogged down by densities and negativity, your powers to effect your life in a positive way are significantly compromised.
This is the perfect time to renew your gratitude for having a human body and to rededicate yourself to living a life full of personal impeccability, transparency and love. Connecting to spirit is the point, and eliminating blockages that prevent receiving the light will give you an amazing transformational experience.
Many blessings.
Since Claiming Your Space is all about removing densities in your human energy field so that you will feel better, it is logical you would want to clear out your digestive tract. There are obvious health reasons to want to remove the mucoid placque lining in your tract - because it blocks the absorption of nutrients, becomes toxic and leads to disease, and also increases your body weight.
But from an energetic perspective, that dense, dark, putrid mucoid lining of your entire intestinal tract is the largest density a person can have. If you endeavor to use the psyllium shakes and the herbs that loosen the placque, and eliminate that solid mass from your system, not only will you begin to function more efficiently as a physical being and eliminate a huge source of disease, your human energy field will be able to hold more light, and that makes you better in every way.
So, a dietary cleanse is an important part of a spiritual clearing regimen. In ancient Chinese Medicine, they recommend a dietary cleanse at the change of every season. I realized that's what Lent is. Giving up the coffee, carbs, candy, etc, is eliminating major sources of acid from your system. When you eat only the shakes and fresh raw vegetables and fruit, you establish an alkaline condition which leads to elimination of aches and pains, heart disease, cancers of all kinds, skin problems, etc. It all goes hand in hand.
Determining to increase your efforts to connect to spirit at this time aids in dislodging the densities, since you will be bringing in the pure Light of Spirit. Focusing on things you are grateful for changes your emotional set point, which ABRAHAM says has to do with your vibrational frequency. Meditating on things that make you feel good, joyful, etc, raises your emotional setpoint which makes your vibrational frequency more attuned to Spirit, you are able to hold more light and then you can manifest your dreams. When you're bogged down by densities and negativity, your powers to effect your life in a positive way are significantly compromised.
This is the perfect time to renew your gratitude for having a human body and to rededicate yourself to living a life full of personal impeccability, transparency and love. Connecting to spirit is the point, and eliminating blockages that prevent receiving the light will give you an amazing transformational experience.
Many blessings.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Heart Transplant Recipient Kills Self like Donor
Here is an interesting case of the recipient of a donated heart who marries the donors wife and then commits suicide in nearly the identical manner, twelve years later. It's a classic case of spirit attachment, I think, because after writing to thank the donor's wife, he met and fell in love with her, despite an age difference of almost 30 years. They married, and then the for some reason, he decided to shoot himself after 12 years of marriage.
The medical world is referring to common phenomena like this as cellular memory. But how does cellular memory cause a man to fall in love with the same woman as the donor? I think a much easier and logical explanation would be, the donor's spirit never went to the Light and is now influencing the host.
At the end of the article it says there are more than 70 documented cases of transplant patients taking on some of the personality traits of the donors. I have heard the statistic that up to 2/3 of all donor recipients experience some kind of "residual effect" from the donor. Doesn't anyone REALLY want to know what is causing this? An Acknowledgment of spirit attachment would greatly facilitate the transplant process.
I think all medical professionals involved in organ transplant should be made aware of my Claim Your Space exercise. The exercise should be incorporated into the transplant process. Every organ should be energetically cleared in the moments after it is removed from the host and before it is transplanted into the recipient. Or better, every donor's body should be cleared to make sure the deceased person's spirit goes to the light, before removing and transplanting the organs. It only takes about a minute, and anyone can be trained to do this. It would be better if the medical personnel could just go ahead and do it.
Many organ donors die suddenly, and those souls need to be oriented to their new, deceased condition. They tend to believe they are still alive, and might follow one of their organs into a new body. The problem extends to patients who die in the hospital during surgery, or while heavily sedated, or while in a coma.
Even if you're dealing with a traumatic imprint, rather than the entire spirit of a person, there will be a feedback loop - and the new recipient can take on attributes and symptoms of the deceased. In either case, the Claim Your Space exercise will clear the "predecessor" energy, making the organs clear for transplant. It would eliminate a whole host of medical issues, not to mention physical, mental and emotional issues.
The medical world is referring to common phenomena like this as cellular memory. But how does cellular memory cause a man to fall in love with the same woman as the donor? I think a much easier and logical explanation would be, the donor's spirit never went to the Light and is now influencing the host.
At the end of the article it says there are more than 70 documented cases of transplant patients taking on some of the personality traits of the donors. I have heard the statistic that up to 2/3 of all donor recipients experience some kind of "residual effect" from the donor. Doesn't anyone REALLY want to know what is causing this? An Acknowledgment of spirit attachment would greatly facilitate the transplant process.
I think all medical professionals involved in organ transplant should be made aware of my Claim Your Space exercise. The exercise should be incorporated into the transplant process. Every organ should be energetically cleared in the moments after it is removed from the host and before it is transplanted into the recipient. Or better, every donor's body should be cleared to make sure the deceased person's spirit goes to the light, before removing and transplanting the organs. It only takes about a minute, and anyone can be trained to do this. It would be better if the medical personnel could just go ahead and do it.
Many organ donors die suddenly, and those souls need to be oriented to their new, deceased condition. They tend to believe they are still alive, and might follow one of their organs into a new body. The problem extends to patients who die in the hospital during surgery, or while heavily sedated, or while in a coma.
Even if you're dealing with a traumatic imprint, rather than the entire spirit of a person, there will be a feedback loop - and the new recipient can take on attributes and symptoms of the deceased. In either case, the Claim Your Space exercise will clear the "predecessor" energy, making the organs clear for transplant. It would eliminate a whole host of medical issues, not to mention physical, mental and emotional issues.
Sylvia Plath's son commits suicide
Here is another interesting case - another possible case of "Nesting" when one suicide victim chooses not to go to the Light, but rather to those she left behind.
Nicholas Plath died by his own hand - by hanging - in 2009, after battling depression for many years. Not only did Nicholas's mother Sylvia Plath, commit suicide during his infancy by asphyxiating herself in a gas oven, but six years later, his step mother died the same way after killing her four year old daughter.
From the perspective of spirit attachment, it seems extremely likely that Sylvia stayed behind, attaching herself to her widowed husband Ted Hughes's next wife. Poetry exists which shows Sylvia's anger and bitterness toward her husband. It is common knowledge that they separated when Nicholas was 9 months old, due to Ted's affair with another woman, Assia Wevill. Several months later, Sylvia took her life.
Sylvia may have interfered with Ted's next relationship intentionally, or might simply have wanted to continue to be with her children. Since the suicidal person feels she has failed in her attempt because she feels her life has not been completely extinguished, she can find herself in the body of a loved one, continuing to want to kill herself once and for all. Because Assia was inclined to kill her own child and then kill herself, it seems likely that Sylvia's anger was influencing Assia's thoughts, words and deeds. It may all have been about causing pain to Ted.
It is also likely that, after the second wife killed herself, the spirit of Sylvia Plath may have gone to her youngest child, her son Nicholas, and stayed with him all of his life. Of course, she would have had no malintent towards her son, only perhaps guilt for abandoning him, and she may never have known that by staying with him, she caused his severe depression and eventual suicide.
I wanted to know what may have caused Sylvia's depression, and found that her strict and apparently cruel father had died of complications of diabetes when Sylvia was 8 years old. It could be considered slow suicide, since Otto thought his symptoms were due to having cancer, and he neglected medical treatment until it was too late. It appears perhaps he felt inclined to stay with his young child, as parents do, and caused her years of depression and misery. Shortly before her death in 1962, she wrote a poem entitled "Daddy", indicating she felt haunted by her dad, referencing her first suicide attempt when she "tried to get back, back to you."
From the perspective of spirit attachment, I think it all started with Otto Plath, who didn't want to abandon his parental post when he died, and inadvertently caused his daughter Sylvia a life of morbid thoughts and emotional pain, by remaining with her. This attachment would keep the pain of their relationship and memories of the abandonment caused by his death fresh and agonizing for her on a daily basis.
I can only hope that if Otto and Sylvia were attached to Nicholas, they finally went to the Light...
Nicholas Plath died by his own hand - by hanging - in 2009, after battling depression for many years. Not only did Nicholas's mother Sylvia Plath, commit suicide during his infancy by asphyxiating herself in a gas oven, but six years later, his step mother died the same way after killing her four year old daughter.
From the perspective of spirit attachment, it seems extremely likely that Sylvia stayed behind, attaching herself to her widowed husband Ted Hughes's next wife. Poetry exists which shows Sylvia's anger and bitterness toward her husband. It is common knowledge that they separated when Nicholas was 9 months old, due to Ted's affair with another woman, Assia Wevill. Several months later, Sylvia took her life.
Sylvia may have interfered with Ted's next relationship intentionally, or might simply have wanted to continue to be with her children. Since the suicidal person feels she has failed in her attempt because she feels her life has not been completely extinguished, she can find herself in the body of a loved one, continuing to want to kill herself once and for all. Because Assia was inclined to kill her own child and then kill herself, it seems likely that Sylvia's anger was influencing Assia's thoughts, words and deeds. It may all have been about causing pain to Ted.
It is also likely that, after the second wife killed herself, the spirit of Sylvia Plath may have gone to her youngest child, her son Nicholas, and stayed with him all of his life. Of course, she would have had no malintent towards her son, only perhaps guilt for abandoning him, and she may never have known that by staying with him, she caused his severe depression and eventual suicide.
I wanted to know what may have caused Sylvia's depression, and found that her strict and apparently cruel father had died of complications of diabetes when Sylvia was 8 years old. It could be considered slow suicide, since Otto thought his symptoms were due to having cancer, and he neglected medical treatment until it was too late. It appears perhaps he felt inclined to stay with his young child, as parents do, and caused her years of depression and misery. Shortly before her death in 1962, she wrote a poem entitled "Daddy", indicating she felt haunted by her dad, referencing her first suicide attempt when she "tried to get back, back to you."
From the perspective of spirit attachment, I think it all started with Otto Plath, who didn't want to abandon his parental post when he died, and inadvertently caused his daughter Sylvia a life of morbid thoughts and emotional pain, by remaining with her. This attachment would keep the pain of their relationship and memories of the abandonment caused by his death fresh and agonizing for her on a daily basis.
I can only hope that if Otto and Sylvia were attached to Nicholas, they finally went to the Light...
The Scott Dyleski case

Teen Held in Bizarre Slaying was the headline in the San Francisco Chronicle in October 2005.
The paper featured three of the young man's school portraits, to elucidate how much he had changed over the a two year period. The case has had wide attention and is the subject of much hysteria around Demonic possession. Some say that due to the publishing of this article, public opinion was swayed against him - a minor whose identity probably should have been protected, even if he were convicted - and he was convicted on all counts.
I have no opinion either way, and only wish to highlight the obvious clues I found in the article to indicate the young man was most probably attached by multiple spirits, and that it all began with the death of his older sister.
"Authorities have arrested a 16 year old boy in connection with the killing"
Buried in the 7th paragraph of the article is the "aha" statement for me - "His sister Denika was killed in a car crash two years ago at the age of 18..." "Whatever his personality, students said he wasn't known for trouble."
In the following article
it says, "One student who knows Dyleski said the teenager was a typical kid until the 8th grade when his personality and demeanor darkened noticeably." He was described as a "normal suburban kid who was a boy scout, loved baseball and earned good grades", but Dyleski's life took a turn between 7th and 8th grades.
From the perspective of spirit attachment, it seems obvious that the spirit of Denika went to her brother after she died in the car crash, and from that moment on, his personality changed. This is why it is critical to have the knowledge to Claim Your Space following the sudden death of a loved one.
When a person loses a loved one, the tendency is to find solace in alcohol and in some cases, drugs. This inadvertently compounds the problem by rendering the person's human energy field vulnerable. The shock of the sudden loss of a loved one, compounded by the consumption of mind altering substances can leave a person open to spirit attachment.
I caught snippets in the articles about how he wore eyeliner, silver jewelry and liked to make his own fashions. That sounds more like a girl than a boy to me. I have no way of knowing what kind of personality the sister had, what her interests were, or what, but it is pretty likely her spirit might have been very angry that she was deprived of her life, and that anger may have been demonstrated through her younger brother.
My partner and I were immediately interested in this case and wanted to offer our services, but we weren't sure we would be welcomed, or whether it would have a negative outcome for Scott. Even if we had determined he had attachments and cleared them, it wasn't likely to affect the outcome of his trial.
Over time, a person who is attached, even by a loved one, becomes susceptible to further attachment, especially if drugs and alcohol continue to be used. It is possible Scott became the tool of a negative spirit - if he did the crime.
I wish my book could reach more people so that anytime a loved one passes away, folks have the necessary tools to ensure the spirit goes to the Light and survivors don't suffer for years to come.
Woman Commits Identical Suicide as Stepfather
Here is another classic case of spirit attachment.
Suicide victims tend to feel extremely guilty, as did the woman's stepfather, who murdered his wife, the subject's mother, with a hammer and then leaped to his death off the Tappan Zee Bridge in New York. Sixteen years later, the subject died the same exact way. Spirit attachment is very suspect here, because many suicide victims, feeling guilt for the crimes they committed (including the suicide) tend not to go to the light, but to those they've hurt.
The article says the girl spoke of suicide often, a huge red flag from the standpoint of spirit attachment, and her final words - "It's what I want" ominously remind me that those were probably the thoughts of her long dead step-father, who had wanted it to be over for 16 years.
Here is another classic case of spirit attachment.
Suicide victims tend to feel extremely guilty, as did the woman's stepfather, who murdered his wife, the subject's mother, with a hammer and then leaped to his death off the Tappan Zee Bridge in New York. Sixteen years later, the subject died the same exact way. Spirit attachment is very suspect here, because many suicide victims, feeling guilt for the crimes they committed (including the suicide) tend not to go to the light, but to those they've hurt.
The article says the girl spoke of suicide often, a huge red flag from the standpoint of spirit attachment, and her final words - "It's what I want" ominously remind me that those were probably the thoughts of her long dead step-father, who had wanted it to be over for 16 years.
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