- The Grounding Exercise
- Lotus Flower Meditation
- Easter Meditation
The Grounding Exercise is used before any healing session, whether it be a Reiki Treatment, a Spirit Clearing, or any other type of healing. It is profound in that it really puts you in an expanded state, allowing you to experience maximum benefits from your session. It's a great way to start your day, especially if you are empathic, an Indigo or psychically sensitive in any way. It gets you familiar with managing your Light Body, which will keep you in good health. If you are trying to develop your psychic skills, doing the grounding exercise first, really improves your sensitivity.
The Lotus Flower Meditation was given to us via Patty during one of our group meditation sessions in Santa Rosa, CA. It is a powerful process that enables you to saturate yourself in Light.
The Easter Meditation came via Kelly on Easter Sunday, 2005.
I hope you find these exercises helpful and effective. Many Blessings.