Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Spirit Attachment Questionnaire

This is a diagnostic tool to help determine whether an attached spirit is causing your symptoms. If you do the quiz and feel you may "have company" simply go to my blog post that details the claim your space exercise and protection verse. If you feel you need help, copy the results of the questionnaire into an email and send it to me.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist a person who is suffering to identify a possible energetic root cause of that suffering. Bringing the details to conscious awareness and reviewing patterning will greatly assist you in clearing a debilitating condition once and for all. Please fill out the best you can, and return to Kelly at Confidentiality is strictly observed.

Do you suffer from anxiety or panic?

Do you suffer from severe depression?

Have you been diagnosed with a psychiatric or mood disorder?

Do your moods change quickly for no apparent reason?

Do you have an obsession or addiction you cannot seem to shake?

Are you or have you ever been suicidal?

Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?

Do you REALLY, REALLY miss one of your deceased relatives or friends? If so, who?

Has a loved one died, and are you finding that you now have similar symptoms to the deceased, including personality changes, habits, addictions?

Have you been told you have inherited a disease that someone else in your family has already died of? What is it?

Do you have a chronic physical illness that won't go away, or that Doctors cannot seem to cure?

Do you sustain recurring injuries or symptoms in the same area of your body? (Ex: always bumping your head, always twisting your right ankle, always have a stomach ache or fluttery heart, etc)

Do you have insomnia?

Do people ever say that you did or said something, but you have no recollection of doing or saying it?

Has anyone ever said that you talk in your sleep?

Did you suddenly lose your attraction to your mate, or decide to change your sexual orientation at any point?

Do you feel repulsed by people of the opposite sex?

Do you hear thoughts in your head that are not yours?

Do you see people or things that others cannot?

Do you ever feel that you are not alone?

Do you see a cycle of victimization in your life?

Over time, have you developed addictions to food, alcohol, drugs or behaviors you didn't have before?

Can you think back to the time when your habits changed? What happened around that time? Did someone pass away? Did you drink to blackout? Witness a traumatic event?

Have you had a dramatic change in attitude or beliefs?

Have you ever engaged in self-destructive behavior – cutting your skin or hair, picking at your skin or face, battering yourself or other things?

Did you suffer physical, sexual or emotional abuse? If so, when, and was it once, or repeated?

If you’ve suffered physical abuse, what parts of the body were injured, and what was used on you?

Were you ever tortured physically, mentally or emotionally? Please elaborate if you can.

Have you ever been under general anesthesia? List dates and reasons for the surgery.

Have you ever lost a child, born or unborn? If so, when?

Did your mother ever lose a child that you know of? If so, when?

Were you a twin, but the other baby didn’t survive?

Have you ever toured or lived near or fought in a battlefield or place of extreme decimation of human life? (modern war, Gettysburg, Auchschwitz, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, etc?) When?

Do you live near or spend time in a graveyard for any reason?

Do you live near a hospital, convalescent home or church?

Have you spent time in a hospital, prison, convalescent home, treatment center - for work, to visit, or other reasons? When?

Have you ever used drink or drugs to the point of blackout (walking and talking, but not remembering a period of time)?

Have you ever used drink or drugs to the point of unconsciousness? List dates the best you can.

Are you accident prone or clumsy? If yes, please explain

Do you feel like someone has hexed or put a curse on you?

Are your symptoms similar to those of a family member?

Is there anything else you’d like me to know?