Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Do-it-yourself Spirit Clearing not scary

These are excerpts from emails, when I was describing spirit attachment in general.

"Spirits aren't necessarily bad, but they don't belong in the earth realm. They belong in the light. For many reasons, they can get confused and stay when they should have gone. At the very least, they will drain your energy, but it can be much worse than that.

Having spirits attached to you can cause panic attacks, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, depression, mood swings, memory loss, weird physical problems, addictions, food and other kinds of obsessions, etc. It is because you take on all the desires, fears, attitudes, appetites and addictions, general health symptoms of the spirits that are attached to you.

There are many reasons why relatives stay behind, and usually it's motivated by fear that a living family member can't "live" without them. Sometimes guilt keeps them here, too.

But if they had any symptoms or addictions, you will take those on, and that isn't good. If one died of a disease, or was depressed or committed suicide, it can be very harmful to you to have them attached to you.

Many people upon finding a ghost in their house or space express fear that they will upset it, and often think they should just "let it be." I like to think of it this way. Say you moved into a new place, but the old tenant decided to stay behind and live in your closet? How would that be? It's not funny, or cute. You would evict, or call the police and have them evict. It just isn't right.

And don't worry. When you're claiming your space, you're not "dabbling." It's nowhere near as scary a using an Ouija board!!! You are simply stating out loud your intention that your space is your own, and that no other person, entity or energy form has permission to be in your space. And you ask out loud for beings of Light (Angels, if you like) to come and guide any lost spirits to the Light.

This kind of thing is very common, AND you can take care of it yourself. If you let it go, it's like ignoring an infection. It could get worse.

Have a good friend do it with you. Sit in chairs in the area of most disturbance, bring some fresh cut flowers and a candle, maybe and do it in a loving but firm way. Do it all out loud. Believe me, it will work."

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