Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Excerpt of Interspecies Communication

I just saw an old friend, John, at the AAA Insurance office. Seems we both had to pay our car insurance at the same time. We hadn't seen each other in several months. He was distraught. He told me about his horse being ill and the events that were to happen that day. My heart went out to him, there in the line.

His horse was to be put down that day. John had had this horse for many years. He felt guilty that he didn't do enough to care for the horse, that somehow the horse's illness was his fault. During the horse's long and progressive illness, both he and his baby became ill, as well. He and his wife had been working hard to manifest prosperity, and were struggling financially. He talked about a miraculous-sounding offer that suddenly arrived by telephone, at the same time his horse was dying. As John was telling me the story, I began to get information, and it continued unfolding in my head as I drove all the way back to work.

I felt compelled to go home and send an email to John's wife. Here are excerpts:
"While still talking to John, I said something, and he said, "Thanks for the guidance." But it wasn't intellectual guidance. It was information I was getting regarding the situation. I said that this was a time of a huge transition, and that all the things happening – he and Amy being sick, the horse being sick, and the cold-call from the mortgage broker, were all signs that today is the absolute ending of a certain phase of your life and that now is the beginning of a new phase. I said something like, "You create your own reality, and the transition is now, so be aware of everything you're thinking, saying and doing."

As I was driving away from AAA, I was saying a prayer for the horse, and I got clear information. I'm assuming it was from the horse to John and to you all.
This is what I heard:

"BE IMPECCABLE. (That was said several times) BE WELL. I LOVE YOU ALL."
The horse indicated that she had chosen to take on the obstacles that were preventing all of you from achieving your dreams and reaching your goals. She wanted specifically John to know that she CHOSE to do this. No one made her sick, she was taking on negative energy on behalf of John, Mary and Amy. She wanted to do this for him.
She wants you to realize that as of today, your slate is clean. Start manifesting your abundance and all the things you need.

Also, don't get any more horses for a while.
That's basically it.

You're all processing something large. It is about to be totally gone. Whatever you've been working on, be careful not to reinforce the old patterning. Identify any bugaboos that pop up as illusion, and they will disappear.

I hope this makes sense to you!!! I'm sending prayers to the horse and all of you this afternoon.

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