Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Angel Card Reading

A while ago, I had been looking for reassurance and this is what I got. Thought I'd share it with you...

I wrote: "I just saw your Angel Reading posting. I would love it if you could pull a card for me. My question is, should I keep putting out the information about spirit attachment? Or should I forget about it and go find a day job? I'm so focused on it, and I do get a lot of positive feedback, but I also doubt myself. I feel like what I have to offer can help, and I feel very "called" to keep going. And when I think about stopping, and doing a "regular" job, I get very depressed.
Thank you!"

(Here is the reply from the reader)
"I will of course pull a card for you. Oh and I think that you should continue on your path. Give yourself credit for all the help and guidance you provide. Half the time people only need guidance. You are fortunate that you are able to see how a person is affected by spirit attachment and how to help them. By doing this you provide added help to people. I hope it works out for you. here is your card...

"Trustworthy Guidance" "You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiveing our support for anything that you need related to this idea."

"Do I really need to write out the definition of this card out for you? LOL It jumped out of the deck as I was I guess they wanted to make sure you hear the correct message. The angels gave you this card because they want you to believe in your ideas, which are answers to your prayers, and you can trust them. You'll be supported as you move forward to put your ideas into action, as long as you check in with your angels regularly for continued guidance. If you ever feel vulnerable, ask your angels to reassure you with emotional, spiritual, and material comfort."

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