Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Success Story - She Claimed her Space!

This story highlights many of the typical symptoms that can happen when a person is hosting multiple spirits. Panic attacks, fatigue, confusion, loss of attraction to her partner, a change in how she felt about cleaning her house. It's a really important thing for people to read. Sometimes people live with symptoms, or get used to them, and it's not until they read a testimonial like this that they realize they, too, have changed. And I think it's really important for people to realize what can happen when they go under general anesthesia. It's a double whammy- your consciousness is forced out of your body by poison, then your physical body is cut open. How much more vulnerable can you get?" Here it is.

Client - "Thank you. BTW what is Claiming? Didn't understand that."

Kelly –The thing I'm putting out to people is "claiming your space." Whenever someone has a very stubborn illness, one that is not typical or doesn't go away, I suspect negative energies stuck in the body. The energies could be a trapped spirit, or residuals from a traumatic event you may have experienced in this life or a past life. If the illness occurs in a particular part of your body, you may know if you sustained any kind of abuse in your childhood that would have affected you in that area. Or if you ever had surgery and were put under general anesthesia, you could have come home with the spirit of someone who had (and maybe died of) those exact symptoms.

Even if you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to say the words that I have posted in my blog, to intend to claim your space, in case there is energy in there that doesn't belong to you. It can't hurt if it turns out there was nothing, but it can help a great deal if you did have something there, and it goes away. Many times, I've seen symptoms vanish when people claim their space. When a person says, "My name is _____. I claim my space as my own. Any other person, spirit, entity or energy form does NOT have permission to be in my space and needs to go now." It is my understanding that the energy must move. See my blog for the more expanded version of this statement.

In some instances it doesn't happen right away, and then investigation is in order. Like if it's grandma, and you're having the same symptoms she had, and she doesn't go away right away because she thinks she's helping by staying around. If a relative is in someone's space, they usually don't realize they're making someone sick. Then, once you think you know who may be sharing your space, you can speak specifically to that person and explain that they are dead, and that they are unintentionally harming the host."

Client – "Thank you for you sharing your knowledge with me. I will try it tonight. Both my husband and I have had numerous surgeries, and I have felt extremely weak since my initial surgery. I could never make it out. Why am I weaker and sicker now after all the weight loss? I guess this makes alot of sense."

Kelly – "A lady from the Bay Area called me a few weeks ago, after seeing our ad in the Share Guide. She said she wouldn't normally consider anything to do with "spirits" until her symptoms got really weird. In April, she'd had a nine-hour surgery. She has been continually fatigued, and came home with different symptoms than she had when she went in. Now it's November and she's been thinking, "I wonder if I'm dead?" She said to me, "I know that's not right, because I'm NOT dead..."Luckily, for her, that's an obvious sign that someone else was in her body. Sometimes you don't get such an obvious sign.

If your personality changes, or you suddenly desire foods or drinks or other things that you didn't like before, those are obvious signs. Lack of energy level is an obvious sign that someone could be sharing your space. In the case of couples, if one of you suddenly loses attraction for the other, you might have a spirit of the opposite sex attached to you.

Client - "I just wanted to say thank you sooo much. I have had two major surgeries and was under anesthesia for a long time. So has my husband. WE both feel super fatigued. I even started to wish I was dead. I couldn't take it anymore. I hate being sick. I am not the whiny type, the complainer. Usually if I got sick I would go lie down until it passed.

Now after my surgeries, I have even lost my sexual interest, which is weird. I felt like it wasn't me. I can't explain. Well I started thinking hard and long about what you told me and, to me, it made sense. I mean, I used to be fat and feel as strong as an ox. Now I can't even lift things. I feel like I am 100 years old. My drive was gone. I couldn't even clean my house. I used to be anal retentive about cleanliness and now, I didn't care. Didn't have the energy. Didn't have the drive.

Well, the other day, in the kitchen, I thought I fainted. My husband says that I was never really out, although I felt like I was out. I remember joking around with him...and then I started to see everything go black. I called him, and I thought I said "I'm fainting," 3 times. He says I never said it. I held on to the end of the counter and fell down slowly, since I was holding on. I have felt someone in my kitchen before, mind you. Other psychics have told me someone is there. I fell to my knees and, for a second, I could see myself in this darkness... I could hear myself talking, but far, far away. It was really strange. It felt like maybe15 seconds of it.

My husband helps me up and I come to... Oh, in the darkness it was peaceful. Well as soon as he starts talking to me, I opened my eyes and realized what happened. I started to feel pain in my body again. I even got a panic attack from it. Now, it has been thrown out there that I might have tried to astrally project or something, but I have never had nothing like this happen to me. I never even tried to astrally project. So I had a panic attack. My body hurt. I felt tired and clouded. I went to lie down, and fell asleep. Now, that day I made up my mind that I might have an attachment as you said. So when I woke up I was still weak. Could barely walk.

I sat down and started saying what you told me (the Claim Your Space exercise), over and over and over. About "this is my body I claim it"..... over and over. At night I said "This is it. Either I die or you move on." And I said my prayers and fell asleep saying the exercise over and over... Well at I don't know what time, I remember waking up... I felt something or someone. So I said it (the claim your space exercise) over and over again. Finally, I see what are like 4-5 shiny orb-like balls of light coming out of my body and all going into what looks like an envelope. The envelope seals and, immediately, I feel refreshed. I feel like myself. I knew something had happened and wanted to let you know.

I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't I was sooo energized. It was incredible. Around 2:15 AM, I was ready to get up and start my day. I tossed and turned all night. My poor husband complained that he couldn't sleep. That morning I woke up so refreshed, my husband thought I was crazy. He said that he thought I would soon crash and burn. So yesterday I cleaned my house. The majority of it. I still had energy left over. In the night my tendonitis acted up, but that was it. No added tiredness or pain anywhere. My husband is amazed at the change. Today I woke up early again. Feel great. Not tired or anything. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how wonderful I feel. I haven't felt this healthy and strong in over 4 years."

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