Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What to Do if You Think You're Being Haunted

After 14 years of helping people overcome all kinds of symptoms from paralysis to panic to suicidal depression to congestive heart failure to compulsive smoking/ drinking/ drugging/sexing, I can say with confidence that disembodied spirits or ghosts or entities can intermittently possess you and cause you problems. If they were human once, they need to be sent to the Light. And you can do it. If you don't believe me, read "The Unquiet Dead" by Edith Fiore, PhD; "People Who Don't Know They're Dead" by Gary Leon Hill and "Thirty Years Among the Dead" by Dr. Carl Wickland." There are more. The one by Gary Hill is full of references to other great books.

Even if you think it's someone who isn't harming you, like a deceased relative or loved one, please consider that the spirit may be influencing you so subtly, you don't realize it. The trick is to look for symptoms the deceased had before death, and compare them to yours now. This process is done compassionately, with both your and the spirit's best interests at heart.

Here are a few simple yet powerful things to add to your tool kit.
1. Claim Your Space exercise
2. Hot bath with salt (unless you have Diabetes)
3. Stop using drugs and alcohol until they go away
4. Learn to meditate, ground and open your crown chakra
5. Shield

1. Claiming Your Space.
Say out loud "My name is (State your full name). I claim my space as my own. Any other entity or energy form does NOT have permission to be in my space, and needs to go NOW. I give thanks knowing it is done." You can add, "I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to help clear any entities from me and guide them to the Light, or to wherever they belong." Do this as often as you want. You can even make a tape and play it at night while you're going to sleep. You can talk directly to the ghost and tell it that at some point it died, and no longer has a body. You can tell it, it was meant to go to the Light when it died. You can tell it, there is perfect forgiveness in the light (often they feel guilty about something bad they did in life and believe they don't deserve to go.) You can tell it, it is harming you and it needs to go to the Light. Usually, they don't mean to harm you. You can try to be kind and firm, like with a little kid that's annoying you and doesn't know better. You can even be compassionate to the fact that this person-without-a-body has probably been stuck for a while and WANTS something to change.

2. Hot salt bath.
If you feel you need to add some power to the claim-your-space exercise, run a hot bath, as hot as you can stand it, and put 1/2 cup of salt in the bath. Salt is very pure. It has a powerfully purifying effect. I've been told 1/4 cup Epsom Salts and 1/4 cup Sea Salt will do, but don't wait for the right salt. After you've been soaking and while still in the water, say out loud the claim-your-space exercise. It should work like a charm.
(*Please note - it says on the Epsom Salt box that people with Diabetes should not do a hot salt soak. Please be careful. Thank you!)

3. Stop using your favorite drug, alcohol or other substance.
If you have experienced a dramatic personality change, you might consider that the ghost attached to you is attracted to something you are doing, like smoking cigarettes or pot, drinking a certain kind of alcoholic drink or taking certain drugs. All intoxication, by drugs and all alcoholic drinks, slows your vibrational frequency and makes you more susceptible to invasion. At one psychic institute they used to say, "When you check out, you leave the door open." So, stop using your favorite substances for 4 or 5 days while you do the space claiming.

4. Meditation, Grounding and Opening your crown chakra.
Please try my 8 minute Grounding exercise. All you need to do is listen for 8 minutes, and you should be completely grounded.

5. Shielding.
Once you are grounded, you can intend for the Light to expand from the inside out, getting brighter and brighter until in your imagination, you are absolutely glowing. Lower energy life forms (including ghosts, entities, negative thought forms, and even parasites, viruses and bacteria) can't tolerate the light and move out of your space. You can do this every day. It only takes a few minutes. It's GREAT protection. And for you Indigos out there, while you are connected to the Light in this meditation, you are downloading all the latest information from the Universe, or Source of All That Is. You are getting all the absolute latest upgrades.

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