Until I can get my actual recording posted on here, please try this if you are ready to begin the work of clearing yourself and becoming well.
When you're ready, sit comfortably in a straight back chair with your feet flat on the floor. Send grounding cords from the base of your spine, one down each leg, and out the bottoms of your feet to the floor. Send two more from the base of your spine straight to the floor. Then send all four cords all the way to the center of the earth, and anchor them there like the 4 legs of a chair.
Bring the earth energy back up the cords and back to the base of your spine, and let that area (root chakra) fill up with grounding earth energy. Then bring the energy up to the 2nd chakra and let it fill up. Bring the earth energy up to the 3rd, then 4th charkas and let them fill up. Let the earth energy go down your arms and out the palms of your hands. From the heart area (4th chakra), bring the earth energy up into your 5th chakra, in the throat and neck area, and let it fill up. Bring the earth energy into the center of your head (6th) and then let it go out the top of your head like a fountain.
Now, from that same spot in the top of your head (Crown or 7th chakra), bring in Divine Light, or Universal Life Force Energy, and let it fill up the center of your head with Light. Let it mingle with the earth energies that are already there, to the perfect mix that's right for you, and let that blended energy expand out to the edges of your skin.
Then bring the Light down to the 5th chakra and let it fill up, blend with the earth energy and expand out.
Bring the Light down to the Heart (4th) and let it fill up. Let the Light go down both arms and out the palms of your hands. Let the Light and Earth energies in your heart chakra blend and expand out.
Bring the Light down to your 3rd chakra about 2 inches above the belly button and let it fill up, mingle with the earth energy and expand out.
Bring the Light down to your 2nd chakra, fill up, mingle with earth energy and expand out.
Bring the light down to the base of your spine and let it fill up. Let the Light dissolve any concerns about survival there. Let the light and earth energies mingle in the root chakra and expand out to the edges of your skin.
From the base of your spine, let the Light go down your legs, out the bottoms of your feet, and down all four grounding cords to the center of the earth and let it spill out the bottom there.
Reiki Certification, Reiki Sessions, Continuing Education Contact hours Place Clearing, Spirit Clearing since 1992. Now in Santa Barbara, CA
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What to Do if You Think You're Being Haunted
After 14 years of helping people overcome all kinds of symptoms from paralysis to panic to suicidal depression to congestive heart failure to compulsive smoking/ drinking/ drugging/sexing, I can say with confidence that disembodied spirits or ghosts or entities can intermittently possess you and cause you problems. If they were human once, they need to be sent to the Light. And you can do it. If you don't believe me, read "The Unquiet Dead" by Edith Fiore, PhD; "People Who Don't Know They're Dead" by Gary Leon Hill and "Thirty Years Among the Dead" by Dr. Carl Wickland." There are more. The one by Gary Hill is full of references to other great books.
Even if you think it's someone who isn't harming you, like a deceased relative or loved one, please consider that the spirit may be influencing you so subtly, you don't realize it. The trick is to look for symptoms the deceased had before death, and compare them to yours now. This process is done compassionately, with both your and the spirit's best interests at heart.
Here are a few simple yet powerful things to add to your tool kit.
1. Claim Your Space exercise
2. Hot bath with salt (unless you have Diabetes)
3. Stop using drugs and alcohol until they go away
4. Learn to meditate, ground and open your crown chakra
5. Shield
1. Claiming Your Space.
Say out loud "My name is (State your full name). I claim my space as my own. Any other entity or energy form does NOT have permission to be in my space, and needs to go NOW. I give thanks knowing it is done." You can add, "I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to help clear any entities from me and guide them to the Light, or to wherever they belong." Do this as often as you want. You can even make a tape and play it at night while you're going to sleep. You can talk directly to the ghost and tell it that at some point it died, and no longer has a body. You can tell it, it was meant to go to the Light when it died. You can tell it, there is perfect forgiveness in the light (often they feel guilty about something bad they did in life and believe they don't deserve to go.) You can tell it, it is harming you and it needs to go to the Light. Usually, they don't mean to harm you. You can try to be kind and firm, like with a little kid that's annoying you and doesn't know better. You can even be compassionate to the fact that this person-without-a-body has probably been stuck for a while and WANTS something to change.
2. Hot salt bath.
If you feel you need to add some power to the claim-your-space exercise, run a hot bath, as hot as you can stand it, and put 1/2 cup of salt in the bath. Salt is very pure. It has a powerfully purifying effect. I've been told 1/4 cup Epsom Salts and 1/4 cup Sea Salt will do, but don't wait for the right salt. After you've been soaking and while still in the water, say out loud the claim-your-space exercise. It should work like a charm.
(*Please note - it says on the Epsom Salt box that people with Diabetes should not do a hot salt soak. Please be careful. Thank you!)
3. Stop using your favorite drug, alcohol or other substance.
If you have experienced a dramatic personality change, you might consider that the ghost attached to you is attracted to something you are doing, like smoking cigarettes or pot, drinking a certain kind of alcoholic drink or taking certain drugs. All intoxication, by drugs and all alcoholic drinks, slows your vibrational frequency and makes you more susceptible to invasion. At one psychic institute they used to say, "When you check out, you leave the door open." So, stop using your favorite substances for 4 or 5 days while you do the space claiming.
4. Meditation, Grounding and Opening your crown chakra.
Please try my 8 minute Grounding exercise. All you need to do is listen for 8 minutes, and you should be completely grounded.
5. Shielding.
Once you are grounded, you can intend for the Light to expand from the inside out, getting brighter and brighter until in your imagination, you are absolutely glowing. Lower energy life forms (including ghosts, entities, negative thought forms, and even parasites, viruses and bacteria) can't tolerate the light and move out of your space. You can do this every day. It only takes a few minutes. It's GREAT protection. And for you Indigos out there, while you are connected to the Light in this meditation, you are downloading all the latest information from the Universe, or Source of All That Is. You are getting all the absolute latest upgrades.
Even if you think it's someone who isn't harming you, like a deceased relative or loved one, please consider that the spirit may be influencing you so subtly, you don't realize it. The trick is to look for symptoms the deceased had before death, and compare them to yours now. This process is done compassionately, with both your and the spirit's best interests at heart.
Here are a few simple yet powerful things to add to your tool kit.
1. Claim Your Space exercise
2. Hot bath with salt (unless you have Diabetes)
3. Stop using drugs and alcohol until they go away
4. Learn to meditate, ground and open your crown chakra
5. Shield
1. Claiming Your Space.
Say out loud "My name is (State your full name). I claim my space as my own. Any other entity or energy form does NOT have permission to be in my space, and needs to go NOW. I give thanks knowing it is done." You can add, "I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to help clear any entities from me and guide them to the Light, or to wherever they belong." Do this as often as you want. You can even make a tape and play it at night while you're going to sleep. You can talk directly to the ghost and tell it that at some point it died, and no longer has a body. You can tell it, it was meant to go to the Light when it died. You can tell it, there is perfect forgiveness in the light (often they feel guilty about something bad they did in life and believe they don't deserve to go.) You can tell it, it is harming you and it needs to go to the Light. Usually, they don't mean to harm you. You can try to be kind and firm, like with a little kid that's annoying you and doesn't know better. You can even be compassionate to the fact that this person-without-a-body has probably been stuck for a while and WANTS something to change.
2. Hot salt bath.
If you feel you need to add some power to the claim-your-space exercise, run a hot bath, as hot as you can stand it, and put 1/2 cup of salt in the bath. Salt is very pure. It has a powerfully purifying effect. I've been told 1/4 cup Epsom Salts and 1/4 cup Sea Salt will do, but don't wait for the right salt. After you've been soaking and while still in the water, say out loud the claim-your-space exercise. It should work like a charm.
(*Please note - it says on the Epsom Salt box that people with Diabetes should not do a hot salt soak. Please be careful. Thank you!)
3. Stop using your favorite drug, alcohol or other substance.
If you have experienced a dramatic personality change, you might consider that the ghost attached to you is attracted to something you are doing, like smoking cigarettes or pot, drinking a certain kind of alcoholic drink or taking certain drugs. All intoxication, by drugs and all alcoholic drinks, slows your vibrational frequency and makes you more susceptible to invasion. At one psychic institute they used to say, "When you check out, you leave the door open." So, stop using your favorite substances for 4 or 5 days while you do the space claiming.
4. Meditation, Grounding and Opening your crown chakra.
Please try my 8 minute Grounding exercise. All you need to do is listen for 8 minutes, and you should be completely grounded.
5. Shielding.
Once you are grounded, you can intend for the Light to expand from the inside out, getting brighter and brighter until in your imagination, you are absolutely glowing. Lower energy life forms (including ghosts, entities, negative thought forms, and even parasites, viruses and bacteria) can't tolerate the light and move out of your space. You can do this every day. It only takes a few minutes. It's GREAT protection. And for you Indigos out there, while you are connected to the Light in this meditation, you are downloading all the latest information from the Universe, or Source of All That Is. You are getting all the absolute latest upgrades.
A Reading for Sexual Trauma
Here are excerpts from an email reading I did for a woman who was seeking psychic help for ongoing and debilitating physical, emotional and relationship problems.
"Do you have experience with auras?"
"A little bit. Why do you ask?"
"Oh, a "psychic" told me that because of something very bad that happened to me long ago, my aura became completely closed. She said it's invisible and that it can make people react badly to me."
"If it's something that you know about, you can pray specifically to heal it. Sometimes trauma that happens to us in this life happens because there's already an imprint in that area from a past life event. Alot of people have suffered past life trauma, and it certainly can affect you in the here and now. In Buddhism, one of the prayers is to find the "inner magnet" that attracts certain people and circumstances to you, and dissolve it. You would do this with intention, and by monitoring your thoughts, words and deeds on a daily basis, to make sure you are not generating further negative karma for yourself.
You can do alot with prayer. You can talk to your Higher Self or the Universe, or Spirit or God, or whatever works for you, and say that if there IS a problem, please fix it. And give thanks knowing it is done. This is very powerful. There is nothing more powerful on this earth than your own intention.
I know that sometimes we close our chakras at certain areas for certain reasons, and that it can lead to illness. Usually trauma is the number one reason we shut down. So, say for example you had a sexual trauma. Perhaps you may have closed your second chakra, which is the chakra about 2 inches below the belly button, right where a woman's reproductive organs are. Or perhaps the opposite is true, and it is too open, or someone has "corded" you, continuing the abuse on a psychic level. The trauma itself might tend to repeat, so you may attract partners or relationships that tend to try to violate you. That may be what the psychic meant.
Trauma is like a skip in a record. Similar events can happen over and over until it is cleared. Trauma can be like a vicious cycle until it is healed. If, for the sake of example, you were to sit quietly and think about your light body (chakras and aura) and focus on your second chakra, you could ask your guardian angels to make sure it is open appropriately for your greater good. Also ask that any cords be severed and that any holes in your aura be repaired. You can do this with every chakra. The most important thing, though, is to consciously intend to open the crown chakra at the top of your head. That lets in the light that can heal everything, and make stuck issues begin to dissolve.
If this bad thing happened to you in this life, and you are still mad at someone, or haven't forgiven someone, it is very important for your own healing to do your best to let go of this person completely in your heart and mind. If you carry rage or desire for revenge, that can also act like a magnet, bringing further pain into your life. It sounds weird, but if you hold something against someone, right or wrong, it continues the relationship. So, maybe you should do my claim-your-space exercise and kick out any energies that are not yours. In your case it might not be a ghost, but the remaining energy of someone who hurt you. You can evict it, and claim all of your energy as your own. You can also call back any energy that you may have directed at this person, and take it back and bring your energy back into your own light body through the top of your head. You can call back your energy from any person or unpleasant situation that has ever upset or hurt or angered you.
You don't need anyone's permission to take control of your space. It's yours and no one else's. You can use your own healing angels and repair any damage. It's kind of like a big game of pretend, but it really works."
"The "bad thing" was sexual assault -- your intuition was completely accurate. You've given me hope. I can't thank you enough for that. You make perfect sense -- my second chakra was ripped open when I was a child, and I think it was like a beacon to every predator whose path I crossed. I grew up thinking I was completely evil. I have never been able to come to terms with the fact that there were numerous incidents, unrelated to each other, in which I was violated. From the age of three and into my adulthood.
And after reading the things here, I realize that I've carried all of that with me. And it has even led to physical illness in the form of severely painful endometriosis. And I can feel terrible cords holding me to dangerous people. And you are so right -- I need to let all the rage go... because under my surface I am being eaten alive by a suppressed rage. And it's only hurting *me* instead of them. And if I hurt them, then I'm only damaging my own karma.
I'm kind of blown away right now, sitting here stunned and letting it all sink in.
You have done something so truly wonderful, Kelly. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face -- because all of this is just so incredible. I mean, how much longer would I have suffered with all of this if I hadn't reached out and opened up to you, a stranger on the internet? I'm going to study your blogs about grounding and shielding. I'm going to do everything you recommend.
Kelly, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Do you have experience with auras?"
"A little bit. Why do you ask?"
"Oh, a "psychic" told me that because of something very bad that happened to me long ago, my aura became completely closed. She said it's invisible and that it can make people react badly to me."
"If it's something that you know about, you can pray specifically to heal it. Sometimes trauma that happens to us in this life happens because there's already an imprint in that area from a past life event. Alot of people have suffered past life trauma, and it certainly can affect you in the here and now. In Buddhism, one of the prayers is to find the "inner magnet" that attracts certain people and circumstances to you, and dissolve it. You would do this with intention, and by monitoring your thoughts, words and deeds on a daily basis, to make sure you are not generating further negative karma for yourself.
You can do alot with prayer. You can talk to your Higher Self or the Universe, or Spirit or God, or whatever works for you, and say that if there IS a problem, please fix it. And give thanks knowing it is done. This is very powerful. There is nothing more powerful on this earth than your own intention.
I know that sometimes we close our chakras at certain areas for certain reasons, and that it can lead to illness. Usually trauma is the number one reason we shut down. So, say for example you had a sexual trauma. Perhaps you may have closed your second chakra, which is the chakra about 2 inches below the belly button, right where a woman's reproductive organs are. Or perhaps the opposite is true, and it is too open, or someone has "corded" you, continuing the abuse on a psychic level. The trauma itself might tend to repeat, so you may attract partners or relationships that tend to try to violate you. That may be what the psychic meant.
Trauma is like a skip in a record. Similar events can happen over and over until it is cleared. Trauma can be like a vicious cycle until it is healed. If, for the sake of example, you were to sit quietly and think about your light body (chakras and aura) and focus on your second chakra, you could ask your guardian angels to make sure it is open appropriately for your greater good. Also ask that any cords be severed and that any holes in your aura be repaired. You can do this with every chakra. The most important thing, though, is to consciously intend to open the crown chakra at the top of your head. That lets in the light that can heal everything, and make stuck issues begin to dissolve.
If this bad thing happened to you in this life, and you are still mad at someone, or haven't forgiven someone, it is very important for your own healing to do your best to let go of this person completely in your heart and mind. If you carry rage or desire for revenge, that can also act like a magnet, bringing further pain into your life. It sounds weird, but if you hold something against someone, right or wrong, it continues the relationship. So, maybe you should do my claim-your-space exercise and kick out any energies that are not yours. In your case it might not be a ghost, but the remaining energy of someone who hurt you. You can evict it, and claim all of your energy as your own. You can also call back any energy that you may have directed at this person, and take it back and bring your energy back into your own light body through the top of your head. You can call back your energy from any person or unpleasant situation that has ever upset or hurt or angered you.
You don't need anyone's permission to take control of your space. It's yours and no one else's. You can use your own healing angels and repair any damage. It's kind of like a big game of pretend, but it really works."
"The "bad thing" was sexual assault -- your intuition was completely accurate. You've given me hope. I can't thank you enough for that. You make perfect sense -- my second chakra was ripped open when I was a child, and I think it was like a beacon to every predator whose path I crossed. I grew up thinking I was completely evil. I have never been able to come to terms with the fact that there were numerous incidents, unrelated to each other, in which I was violated. From the age of three and into my adulthood.
And after reading the things here, I realize that I've carried all of that with me. And it has even led to physical illness in the form of severely painful endometriosis. And I can feel terrible cords holding me to dangerous people. And you are so right -- I need to let all the rage go... because under my surface I am being eaten alive by a suppressed rage. And it's only hurting *me* instead of them. And if I hurt them, then I'm only damaging my own karma.
I'm kind of blown away right now, sitting here stunned and letting it all sink in.
You have done something so truly wonderful, Kelly. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face -- because all of this is just so incredible. I mean, how much longer would I have suffered with all of this if I hadn't reached out and opened up to you, a stranger on the internet? I'm going to study your blogs about grounding and shielding. I'm going to do everything you recommend.
Kelly, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Do-it-yourself Spirit Clearing not scary
These are excerpts from emails, when I was describing spirit attachment in general.
"Spirits aren't necessarily bad, but they don't belong in the earth realm. They belong in the light. For many reasons, they can get confused and stay when they should have gone. At the very least, they will drain your energy, but it can be much worse than that.
Having spirits attached to you can cause panic attacks, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, depression, mood swings, memory loss, weird physical problems, addictions, food and other kinds of obsessions, etc. It is because you take on all the desires, fears, attitudes, appetites and addictions, general health symptoms of the spirits that are attached to you.
There are many reasons why relatives stay behind, and usually it's motivated by fear that a living family member can't "live" without them. Sometimes guilt keeps them here, too.
But if they had any symptoms or addictions, you will take those on, and that isn't good. If one died of a disease, or was depressed or committed suicide, it can be very harmful to you to have them attached to you.
Many people upon finding a ghost in their house or space express fear that they will upset it, and often think they should just "let it be." I like to think of it this way. Say you moved into a new place, but the old tenant decided to stay behind and live in your closet? How would that be? It's not funny, or cute. You would evict, or call the police and have them evict. It just isn't right.
And don't worry. When you're claiming your space, you're not "dabbling." It's nowhere near as scary a using an Ouija board!!! You are simply stating out loud your intention that your space is your own, and that no other person, entity or energy form has permission to be in your space. And you ask out loud for beings of Light (Angels, if you like) to come and guide any lost spirits to the Light.
This kind of thing is very common, AND you can take care of it yourself. If you let it go, it's like ignoring an infection. It could get worse.
Have a good friend do it with you. Sit in chairs in the area of most disturbance, bring some fresh cut flowers and a candle, maybe and do it in a loving but firm way. Do it all out loud. Believe me, it will work."
"Spirits aren't necessarily bad, but they don't belong in the earth realm. They belong in the light. For many reasons, they can get confused and stay when they should have gone. At the very least, they will drain your energy, but it can be much worse than that.
Having spirits attached to you can cause panic attacks, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, depression, mood swings, memory loss, weird physical problems, addictions, food and other kinds of obsessions, etc. It is because you take on all the desires, fears, attitudes, appetites and addictions, general health symptoms of the spirits that are attached to you.
There are many reasons why relatives stay behind, and usually it's motivated by fear that a living family member can't "live" without them. Sometimes guilt keeps them here, too.
But if they had any symptoms or addictions, you will take those on, and that isn't good. If one died of a disease, or was depressed or committed suicide, it can be very harmful to you to have them attached to you.
Many people upon finding a ghost in their house or space express fear that they will upset it, and often think they should just "let it be." I like to think of it this way. Say you moved into a new place, but the old tenant decided to stay behind and live in your closet? How would that be? It's not funny, or cute. You would evict, or call the police and have them evict. It just isn't right.
And don't worry. When you're claiming your space, you're not "dabbling." It's nowhere near as scary a using an Ouija board!!! You are simply stating out loud your intention that your space is your own, and that no other person, entity or energy form has permission to be in your space. And you ask out loud for beings of Light (Angels, if you like) to come and guide any lost spirits to the Light.
This kind of thing is very common, AND you can take care of it yourself. If you let it go, it's like ignoring an infection. It could get worse.
Have a good friend do it with you. Sit in chairs in the area of most disturbance, bring some fresh cut flowers and a candle, maybe and do it in a loving but firm way. Do it all out loud. Believe me, it will work."
Testimonial - Cleared a Haunted House!
This person was struggling with an obvious haunting. A member of her family began speaking daily about seeing a spirit named "Jim." I suggested she do the Claim Your Space exercises. This is her follow up comment.
"Hi Kelly, Just checking in on my favorite friends....been away, and I am so happy to see, you have been busy, keeping it real !!! You are so awesome and I just love all that you speak of. You have helped me in so many ways, you just don't know !!! Well, maybe you do ???
FYI Since I met you and did what you told me, my son hasn't spoken of "Jim" in his room and our home and life have been in total harmony and peace for at least 2 solid months !!! It hasn't been this wonderful in years....until I met you !!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox And I mean that with all my heart !!!"
"Hi Kelly, Just checking in on my favorite friends....been away, and I am so happy to see, you have been busy, keeping it real !!! You are so awesome and I just love all that you speak of. You have helped me in so many ways, you just don't know !!! Well, maybe you do ???
FYI Since I met you and did what you told me, my son hasn't spoken of "Jim" in his room and our home and life have been in total harmony and peace for at least 2 solid months !!! It hasn't been this wonderful in years....until I met you !!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox And I mean that with all my heart !!!"
Excerpt of Interspecies Communication
I just saw an old friend, John, at the AAA Insurance office. Seems we both had to pay our car insurance at the same time. We hadn't seen each other in several months. He was distraught. He told me about his horse being ill and the events that were to happen that day. My heart went out to him, there in the line.
His horse was to be put down that day. John had had this horse for many years. He felt guilty that he didn't do enough to care for the horse, that somehow the horse's illness was his fault. During the horse's long and progressive illness, both he and his baby became ill, as well. He and his wife had been working hard to manifest prosperity, and were struggling financially. He talked about a miraculous-sounding offer that suddenly arrived by telephone, at the same time his horse was dying. As John was telling me the story, I began to get information, and it continued unfolding in my head as I drove all the way back to work.
I felt compelled to go home and send an email to John's wife. Here are excerpts:
"While still talking to John, I said something, and he said, "Thanks for the guidance." But it wasn't intellectual guidance. It was information I was getting regarding the situation. I said that this was a time of a huge transition, and that all the things happening – he and Amy being sick, the horse being sick, and the cold-call from the mortgage broker, were all signs that today is the absolute ending of a certain phase of your life and that now is the beginning of a new phase. I said something like, "You create your own reality, and the transition is now, so be aware of everything you're thinking, saying and doing."
As I was driving away from AAA, I was saying a prayer for the horse, and I got clear information. I'm assuming it was from the horse to John and to you all.
This is what I heard:
"BE IMPECCABLE. (That was said several times) BE WELL. I LOVE YOU ALL."
The horse indicated that she had chosen to take on the obstacles that were preventing all of you from achieving your dreams and reaching your goals. She wanted specifically John to know that she CHOSE to do this. No one made her sick, she was taking on negative energy on behalf of John, Mary and Amy. She wanted to do this for him.
She wants you to realize that as of today, your slate is clean. Start manifesting your abundance and all the things you need.
Also, don't get any more horses for a while.
That's basically it.
You're all processing something large. It is about to be totally gone. Whatever you've been working on, be careful not to reinforce the old patterning. Identify any bugaboos that pop up as illusion, and they will disappear.
I hope this makes sense to you!!! I'm sending prayers to the horse and all of you this afternoon.
I just saw an old friend, John, at the AAA Insurance office. Seems we both had to pay our car insurance at the same time. We hadn't seen each other in several months. He was distraught. He told me about his horse being ill and the events that were to happen that day. My heart went out to him, there in the line.
His horse was to be put down that day. John had had this horse for many years. He felt guilty that he didn't do enough to care for the horse, that somehow the horse's illness was his fault. During the horse's long and progressive illness, both he and his baby became ill, as well. He and his wife had been working hard to manifest prosperity, and were struggling financially. He talked about a miraculous-sounding offer that suddenly arrived by telephone, at the same time his horse was dying. As John was telling me the story, I began to get information, and it continued unfolding in my head as I drove all the way back to work.
I felt compelled to go home and send an email to John's wife. Here are excerpts:
"While still talking to John, I said something, and he said, "Thanks for the guidance." But it wasn't intellectual guidance. It was information I was getting regarding the situation. I said that this was a time of a huge transition, and that all the things happening – he and Amy being sick, the horse being sick, and the cold-call from the mortgage broker, were all signs that today is the absolute ending of a certain phase of your life and that now is the beginning of a new phase. I said something like, "You create your own reality, and the transition is now, so be aware of everything you're thinking, saying and doing."
As I was driving away from AAA, I was saying a prayer for the horse, and I got clear information. I'm assuming it was from the horse to John and to you all.
This is what I heard:
"BE IMPECCABLE. (That was said several times) BE WELL. I LOVE YOU ALL."
The horse indicated that she had chosen to take on the obstacles that were preventing all of you from achieving your dreams and reaching your goals. She wanted specifically John to know that she CHOSE to do this. No one made her sick, she was taking on negative energy on behalf of John, Mary and Amy. She wanted to do this for him.
She wants you to realize that as of today, your slate is clean. Start manifesting your abundance and all the things you need.
Also, don't get any more horses for a while.
That's basically it.
You're all processing something large. It is about to be totally gone. Whatever you've been working on, be careful not to reinforce the old patterning. Identify any bugaboos that pop up as illusion, and they will disappear.
I hope this makes sense to you!!! I'm sending prayers to the horse and all of you this afternoon.
My Angel Card Reading
A while ago, I had been looking for reassurance and this is what I got. Thought I'd share it with you...
I wrote: "I just saw your Angel Reading posting. I would love it if you could pull a card for me. My question is, should I keep putting out the information about spirit attachment? Or should I forget about it and go find a day job? I'm so focused on it, and I do get a lot of positive feedback, but I also doubt myself. I feel like what I have to offer can help, and I feel very "called" to keep going. And when I think about stopping, and doing a "regular" job, I get very depressed.
Thank you!"
(Here is the reply from the reader)
"I will of course pull a card for you. Oh and I think that you should continue on your path. Give yourself credit for all the help and guidance you provide. Half the time people only need guidance. You are fortunate that you are able to see how a person is affected by spirit attachment and how to help them. By doing this you provide added help to people. I hope it works out for you. here is your card...
"Trustworthy Guidance" "You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiveing our support for anything that you need related to this idea."
"Do I really need to write out the definition of this card out for you? LOL It jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling...so I guess they wanted to make sure you hear the correct message. The angels gave you this card because they want you to believe in your ideas, which are answers to your prayers, and you can trust them. You'll be supported as you move forward to put your ideas into action, as long as you check in with your angels regularly for continued guidance. If you ever feel vulnerable, ask your angels to reassure you with emotional, spiritual, and material comfort."
I wrote: "I just saw your Angel Reading posting. I would love it if you could pull a card for me. My question is, should I keep putting out the information about spirit attachment? Or should I forget about it and go find a day job? I'm so focused on it, and I do get a lot of positive feedback, but I also doubt myself. I feel like what I have to offer can help, and I feel very "called" to keep going. And when I think about stopping, and doing a "regular" job, I get very depressed.
Thank you!"
(Here is the reply from the reader)
"I will of course pull a card for you. Oh and I think that you should continue on your path. Give yourself credit for all the help and guidance you provide. Half the time people only need guidance. You are fortunate that you are able to see how a person is affected by spirit attachment and how to help them. By doing this you provide added help to people. I hope it works out for you. here is your card...
"Trustworthy Guidance" "You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiveing our support for anything that you need related to this idea."
"Do I really need to write out the definition of this card out for you? LOL It jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling...so I guess they wanted to make sure you hear the correct message. The angels gave you this card because they want you to believe in your ideas, which are answers to your prayers, and you can trust them. You'll be supported as you move forward to put your ideas into action, as long as you check in with your angels regularly for continued guidance. If you ever feel vulnerable, ask your angels to reassure you with emotional, spiritual, and material comfort."
Success Story - She Claimed her Space!
This story highlights many of the typical symptoms that can happen when a person is hosting multiple spirits. Panic attacks, fatigue, confusion, loss of attraction to her partner, a change in how she felt about cleaning her house. It's a really important thing for people to read. Sometimes people live with symptoms, or get used to them, and it's not until they read a testimonial like this that they realize they, too, have changed. And I think it's really important for people to realize what can happen when they go under general anesthesia. It's a double whammy- your consciousness is forced out of your body by poison, then your physical body is cut open. How much more vulnerable can you get?" Here it is.
Client - "Thank you. BTW what is Claiming? Didn't understand that."
Kelly –The thing I'm putting out to people is "claiming your space." Whenever someone has a very stubborn illness, one that is not typical or doesn't go away, I suspect negative energies stuck in the body. The energies could be a trapped spirit, or residuals from a traumatic event you may have experienced in this life or a past life. If the illness occurs in a particular part of your body, you may know if you sustained any kind of abuse in your childhood that would have affected you in that area. Or if you ever had surgery and were put under general anesthesia, you could have come home with the spirit of someone who had (and maybe died of) those exact symptoms.
Even if you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to say the words that I have posted in my blog, to intend to claim your space, in case there is energy in there that doesn't belong to you. It can't hurt if it turns out there was nothing, but it can help a great deal if you did have something there, and it goes away. Many times, I've seen symptoms vanish when people claim their space. When a person says, "My name is _____. I claim my space as my own. Any other person, spirit, entity or energy form does NOT have permission to be in my space and needs to go now." It is my understanding that the energy must move. See my blog for the more expanded version of this statement.
In some instances it doesn't happen right away, and then investigation is in order. Like if it's grandma, and you're having the same symptoms she had, and she doesn't go away right away because she thinks she's helping by staying around. If a relative is in someone's space, they usually don't realize they're making someone sick. Then, once you think you know who may be sharing your space, you can speak specifically to that person and explain that they are dead, and that they are unintentionally harming the host."
Client – "Thank you for you sharing your knowledge with me. I will try it tonight. Both my husband and I have had numerous surgeries, and I have felt extremely weak since my initial surgery. I could never make it out. Why am I weaker and sicker now after all the weight loss? I guess this makes alot of sense."
Kelly – "A lady from the Bay Area called me a few weeks ago, after seeing our ad in the Share Guide. She said she wouldn't normally consider anything to do with "spirits" until her symptoms got really weird. In April, she'd had a nine-hour surgery. She has been continually fatigued, and came home with different symptoms than she had when she went in. Now it's November and she's been thinking, "I wonder if I'm dead?" She said to me, "I know that's not right, because I'm NOT dead..."Luckily, for her, that's an obvious sign that someone else was in her body. Sometimes you don't get such an obvious sign.
If your personality changes, or you suddenly desire foods or drinks or other things that you didn't like before, those are obvious signs. Lack of energy level is an obvious sign that someone could be sharing your space. In the case of couples, if one of you suddenly loses attraction for the other, you might have a spirit of the opposite sex attached to you.
Client - "I just wanted to say thank you sooo much. I have had two major surgeries and was under anesthesia for a long time. So has my husband. WE both feel super fatigued. I even started to wish I was dead. I couldn't take it anymore. I hate being sick. I am not the whiny type, the complainer. Usually if I got sick I would go lie down until it passed.
Now after my surgeries, I have even lost my sexual interest, which is weird. I felt like it wasn't me. I can't explain. Well I started thinking hard and long about what you told me and, to me, it made sense. I mean, I used to be fat and feel as strong as an ox. Now I can't even lift things. I feel like I am 100 years old. My drive was gone. I couldn't even clean my house. I used to be anal retentive about cleanliness and now, I didn't care. Didn't have the energy. Didn't have the drive.
Well, the other day, in the kitchen, I thought I fainted. My husband says that I was never really out, although I felt like I was out. I remember joking around with him...and then I started to see everything go black. I called him, and I thought I said "I'm fainting," 3 times. He says I never said it. I held on to the end of the counter and fell down slowly, since I was holding on. I have felt someone in my kitchen before, mind you. Other psychics have told me someone is there. I fell to my knees and, for a second, I could see myself in this darkness... I could hear myself talking, but far, far away. It was really strange. It felt like maybe15 seconds of it.
My husband helps me up and I come to... Oh, in the darkness it was peaceful. Well as soon as he starts talking to me, I opened my eyes and realized what happened. I started to feel pain in my body again. I even got a panic attack from it. Now, it has been thrown out there that I might have tried to astrally project or something, but I have never had nothing like this happen to me. I never even tried to astrally project. So I had a panic attack. My body hurt. I felt tired and clouded. I went to lie down, and fell asleep. Now, that day I made up my mind that I might have an attachment as you said. So when I woke up I was still weak. Could barely walk.
I sat down and started saying what you told me (the Claim Your Space exercise), over and over and over. About "this is my body I claim it"..... over and over. At night I said "This is it. Either I die or you move on." And I said my prayers and fell asleep saying the exercise over and over... Well at I don't know what time, I remember waking up... I felt something or someone. So I said it (the claim your space exercise) over and over again. Finally, I see what are like 4-5 shiny orb-like balls of light coming out of my body and all going into what looks like an envelope. The envelope seals and, immediately, I feel refreshed. I feel like myself. I knew something had happened and wanted to let you know.
I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't I was sooo energized. It was incredible. Around 2:15 AM, I was ready to get up and start my day. I tossed and turned all night. My poor husband complained that he couldn't sleep. That morning I woke up so refreshed, my husband thought I was crazy. He said that he thought I would soon crash and burn. So yesterday I cleaned my house. The majority of it. I still had energy left over. In the night my tendonitis acted up, but that was it. No added tiredness or pain anywhere. My husband is amazed at the change. Today I woke up early again. Feel great. Not tired or anything. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how wonderful I feel. I haven't felt this healthy and strong in over 4 years."
Client - "Thank you. BTW what is Claiming? Didn't understand that."
Kelly –The thing I'm putting out to people is "claiming your space." Whenever someone has a very stubborn illness, one that is not typical or doesn't go away, I suspect negative energies stuck in the body. The energies could be a trapped spirit, or residuals from a traumatic event you may have experienced in this life or a past life. If the illness occurs in a particular part of your body, you may know if you sustained any kind of abuse in your childhood that would have affected you in that area. Or if you ever had surgery and were put under general anesthesia, you could have come home with the spirit of someone who had (and maybe died of) those exact symptoms.
Even if you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to say the words that I have posted in my blog, to intend to claim your space, in case there is energy in there that doesn't belong to you. It can't hurt if it turns out there was nothing, but it can help a great deal if you did have something there, and it goes away. Many times, I've seen symptoms vanish when people claim their space. When a person says, "My name is _____. I claim my space as my own. Any other person, spirit, entity or energy form does NOT have permission to be in my space and needs to go now." It is my understanding that the energy must move. See my blog for the more expanded version of this statement.
In some instances it doesn't happen right away, and then investigation is in order. Like if it's grandma, and you're having the same symptoms she had, and she doesn't go away right away because she thinks she's helping by staying around. If a relative is in someone's space, they usually don't realize they're making someone sick. Then, once you think you know who may be sharing your space, you can speak specifically to that person and explain that they are dead, and that they are unintentionally harming the host."
Client – "Thank you for you sharing your knowledge with me. I will try it tonight. Both my husband and I have had numerous surgeries, and I have felt extremely weak since my initial surgery. I could never make it out. Why am I weaker and sicker now after all the weight loss? I guess this makes alot of sense."
Kelly – "A lady from the Bay Area called me a few weeks ago, after seeing our ad in the Share Guide. She said she wouldn't normally consider anything to do with "spirits" until her symptoms got really weird. In April, she'd had a nine-hour surgery. She has been continually fatigued, and came home with different symptoms than she had when she went in. Now it's November and she's been thinking, "I wonder if I'm dead?" She said to me, "I know that's not right, because I'm NOT dead..."Luckily, for her, that's an obvious sign that someone else was in her body. Sometimes you don't get such an obvious sign.
If your personality changes, or you suddenly desire foods or drinks or other things that you didn't like before, those are obvious signs. Lack of energy level is an obvious sign that someone could be sharing your space. In the case of couples, if one of you suddenly loses attraction for the other, you might have a spirit of the opposite sex attached to you.
Client - "I just wanted to say thank you sooo much. I have had two major surgeries and was under anesthesia for a long time. So has my husband. WE both feel super fatigued. I even started to wish I was dead. I couldn't take it anymore. I hate being sick. I am not the whiny type, the complainer. Usually if I got sick I would go lie down until it passed.
Now after my surgeries, I have even lost my sexual interest, which is weird. I felt like it wasn't me. I can't explain. Well I started thinking hard and long about what you told me and, to me, it made sense. I mean, I used to be fat and feel as strong as an ox. Now I can't even lift things. I feel like I am 100 years old. My drive was gone. I couldn't even clean my house. I used to be anal retentive about cleanliness and now, I didn't care. Didn't have the energy. Didn't have the drive.
Well, the other day, in the kitchen, I thought I fainted. My husband says that I was never really out, although I felt like I was out. I remember joking around with him...and then I started to see everything go black. I called him, and I thought I said "I'm fainting," 3 times. He says I never said it. I held on to the end of the counter and fell down slowly, since I was holding on. I have felt someone in my kitchen before, mind you. Other psychics have told me someone is there. I fell to my knees and, for a second, I could see myself in this darkness... I could hear myself talking, but far, far away. It was really strange. It felt like maybe15 seconds of it.
My husband helps me up and I come to... Oh, in the darkness it was peaceful. Well as soon as he starts talking to me, I opened my eyes and realized what happened. I started to feel pain in my body again. I even got a panic attack from it. Now, it has been thrown out there that I might have tried to astrally project or something, but I have never had nothing like this happen to me. I never even tried to astrally project. So I had a panic attack. My body hurt. I felt tired and clouded. I went to lie down, and fell asleep. Now, that day I made up my mind that I might have an attachment as you said. So when I woke up I was still weak. Could barely walk.
I sat down and started saying what you told me (the Claim Your Space exercise), over and over and over. About "this is my body I claim it"..... over and over. At night I said "This is it. Either I die or you move on." And I said my prayers and fell asleep saying the exercise over and over... Well at I don't know what time, I remember waking up... I felt something or someone. So I said it (the claim your space exercise) over and over again. Finally, I see what are like 4-5 shiny orb-like balls of light coming out of my body and all going into what looks like an envelope. The envelope seals and, immediately, I feel refreshed. I feel like myself. I knew something had happened and wanted to let you know.
I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't I was sooo energized. It was incredible. Around 2:15 AM, I was ready to get up and start my day. I tossed and turned all night. My poor husband complained that he couldn't sleep. That morning I woke up so refreshed, my husband thought I was crazy. He said that he thought I would soon crash and burn. So yesterday I cleaned my house. The majority of it. I still had energy left over. In the night my tendonitis acted up, but that was it. No added tiredness or pain anywhere. My husband is amazed at the change. Today I woke up early again. Feel great. Not tired or anything. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how wonderful I feel. I haven't felt this healthy and strong in over 4 years."
On suicide and spirit attachment
People think suicide runs in families. It can, but not necessarily for "genetic" reasons. The after effects of suicide can be complicated, for both the victim and any survivors...
Suicide is unique in that the act is "condemned" religiously. The church proclaimed that these people wouldn't be allowed in Heaven. Therefore, when a person commits suicide, he or she may not even try to go into the Light, even if they can see it. They believe they are not welcome there. (We send them to the Light, and none have ever been kicked out yet…)
Occasionally, depending on the cause of death, the spirit can be confused, thinking they failed in their attempt. They may go to a loved one and hang around. They can attach themselves to loved ones. Then the loved one gets depressed, can't forget, can't get over it. The loved one gets suicidal too… This is a phenomenon called nesting. It's dangerous because if the suicidal spirit thinks it failed, it may keep trying to commit suicide, only now it's in someone else's body.
When a suicidal spirit doesn't go to the Light, it usually goes to family or loved one, or may float around within a certain group or in a certain area. This is not only dangerous physically for them, it is also not good for the spirit.
The spirit needs to know that it is welcome in the Light, and is free to move on to its next step. You can do a simple ceremony, claiming your space and saying goodbye and calling on help from angelic beings and guides.
If you EVER know of someone who commits suicide, you should try to do a clearing, especially if someone else is now completely devastated, or using the same drugs or alcohol as the deceased, or behaving like the deceased person did. When you talk to the spirit, reassure it, it is WELCOME in the Light. There is nothing to FEAR in the Light. There is only Love and Perfect Understanding in the Light.
Suicide is unique in that the act is "condemned" religiously. The church proclaimed that these people wouldn't be allowed in Heaven. Therefore, when a person commits suicide, he or she may not even try to go into the Light, even if they can see it. They believe they are not welcome there. (We send them to the Light, and none have ever been kicked out yet…)
Occasionally, depending on the cause of death, the spirit can be confused, thinking they failed in their attempt. They may go to a loved one and hang around. They can attach themselves to loved ones. Then the loved one gets depressed, can't forget, can't get over it. The loved one gets suicidal too… This is a phenomenon called nesting. It's dangerous because if the suicidal spirit thinks it failed, it may keep trying to commit suicide, only now it's in someone else's body.
When a suicidal spirit doesn't go to the Light, it usually goes to family or loved one, or may float around within a certain group or in a certain area. This is not only dangerous physically for them, it is also not good for the spirit.
The spirit needs to know that it is welcome in the Light, and is free to move on to its next step. You can do a simple ceremony, claiming your space and saying goodbye and calling on help from angelic beings and guides.
If you EVER know of someone who commits suicide, you should try to do a clearing, especially if someone else is now completely devastated, or using the same drugs or alcohol as the deceased, or behaving like the deceased person did. When you talk to the spirit, reassure it, it is WELCOME in the Light. There is nothing to FEAR in the Light. There is only Love and Perfect Understanding in the Light.
Suicide and Spirit Attachment
Recapitulation Exercise - calling back your energy
The purpose of this exercise is to rid yourself of any residual energies that may be in your body following any trauma - an assault, an act of betrayal, a violation. Those who have experienced early childhood trauma often carry around a traumatic imprint at the site of injury, as well as in the emotional body.
Many times, disease and illness manifest in areas of traumatic imprinting. The invisible scars are just as present as a physical scar left by an accident or injury. Density builds up, like scar tissue, in the human energy field, and that density interferes with the free flow of energy necessary for you to feel complete, and fully functional.
It is possible to remove this imprinting with intention, energy healing and this simple breathing exercise. It is yet another must-have to add to your "jewelry box" as one reader put it.
You can do this exercise for severe cases of abuse, as well as even minor events that happen in the course of the day. If someone was rude to you or hurt your feelings, and you can feel yourself internalizing that feeling of pain or anger, quickly do the recapitulation exercise and get rid of the energy before it settles in and does you any harm.
This exercise is also good for people in co-dependent relationship, who feel pained or negatively affected by the decisions of another. You will have a more healthy relationship if you disentangle your energies with this exercise.
Recapitulation is an exercise where you turn your head from side to side, inhaling and exhaling. You will do a round of ten complete breaths.
Inhale, turning your head to the left. On the inhale turn, envision pulling any of your energy back from the person you've been projecting anger, rage or blame at, and bringing your own energy back to a ball above your crown chakra at the top of your head.
On the exhale, turn your head from left all the way to the right. As you do this, you are expelling any energy that the tyrant might have left in you, or that you are holding onto, and sending it back to him. You do this ten times.
First, sit up straight and ground yourself with my grounding exercise, or any grounding exercise of your choice. When you are fully grounded, imagine the person you are entangled with - the person who violated you, the person who upset or betrayed you -standing in front of you, facing you.
On the inhale, you are going to pull out of the abuser/tyrant, any residual energy of yours that my still be in him, including rage, blame, desire for revenge, desire for apology, guilt, etc. With each in breath, you will scan every cell of his physical, mental, emotional bodies and human energy field, pulling your own energy out and putting it in a ball above your own head. You are going to reclaim and purify your long lost energy and bring it back into your body at the end of the exercise.
On the exhale, intend that you are scanning your entire being for energy that this person may have left in you, or that you may not have been willing to let go of. You are going to vacuum your body and human energy field on the exhale, depositing this person's energy into a ball above his head. It would not be impeccable to force it back into him. Rather put it in the ball above his head so that he can choose to take it back or not, but the energy is fully removed from you.
Do this inhaling to the left and exhaling to the right, slowly, ten times. All the while visualizing separating your energies.
After the tenth and final breath, you will completely detach from all of the energy you have deposited above the head of your abuser.
Then, imagine the ball of your own new found energy, in a ball above your head, being purified with Divine Light. This is a gift to yourself, this energy that you have been missing for so long. When you are ready, bring your new found, purified energy in through the crown chakra, at the top of your head, and let the energy come all the way through your light body, coming to rest in the places that need it the most.
Many times, disease and illness manifest in areas of traumatic imprinting. The invisible scars are just as present as a physical scar left by an accident or injury. Density builds up, like scar tissue, in the human energy field, and that density interferes with the free flow of energy necessary for you to feel complete, and fully functional.
It is possible to remove this imprinting with intention, energy healing and this simple breathing exercise. It is yet another must-have to add to your "jewelry box" as one reader put it.
You can do this exercise for severe cases of abuse, as well as even minor events that happen in the course of the day. If someone was rude to you or hurt your feelings, and you can feel yourself internalizing that feeling of pain or anger, quickly do the recapitulation exercise and get rid of the energy before it settles in and does you any harm.
This exercise is also good for people in co-dependent relationship, who feel pained or negatively affected by the decisions of another. You will have a more healthy relationship if you disentangle your energies with this exercise.
Recapitulation is an exercise where you turn your head from side to side, inhaling and exhaling. You will do a round of ten complete breaths.
Inhale, turning your head to the left. On the inhale turn, envision pulling any of your energy back from the person you've been projecting anger, rage or blame at, and bringing your own energy back to a ball above your crown chakra at the top of your head.
On the exhale, turn your head from left all the way to the right. As you do this, you are expelling any energy that the tyrant might have left in you, or that you are holding onto, and sending it back to him. You do this ten times.
First, sit up straight and ground yourself with my grounding exercise, or any grounding exercise of your choice. When you are fully grounded, imagine the person you are entangled with - the person who violated you, the person who upset or betrayed you -standing in front of you, facing you.
On the inhale, you are going to pull out of the abuser/tyrant, any residual energy of yours that my still be in him, including rage, blame, desire for revenge, desire for apology, guilt, etc. With each in breath, you will scan every cell of his physical, mental, emotional bodies and human energy field, pulling your own energy out and putting it in a ball above your own head. You are going to reclaim and purify your long lost energy and bring it back into your body at the end of the exercise.
On the exhale, intend that you are scanning your entire being for energy that this person may have left in you, or that you may not have been willing to let go of. You are going to vacuum your body and human energy field on the exhale, depositing this person's energy into a ball above his head. It would not be impeccable to force it back into him. Rather put it in the ball above his head so that he can choose to take it back or not, but the energy is fully removed from you.
Do this inhaling to the left and exhaling to the right, slowly, ten times. All the while visualizing separating your energies.
After the tenth and final breath, you will completely detach from all of the energy you have deposited above the head of your abuser.
Then, imagine the ball of your own new found energy, in a ball above your head, being purified with Divine Light. This is a gift to yourself, this energy that you have been missing for so long. When you are ready, bring your new found, purified energy in through the crown chakra, at the top of your head, and let the energy come all the way through your light body, coming to rest in the places that need it the most.
Healing Exercise
Spirit Attachment Questionnaire
This is a diagnostic tool to help determine whether an attached spirit is causing your symptoms. If you do the quiz and feel you may "have company" simply go to my blog post that details the claim your space exercise and protection verse. If you feel you need help, copy the results of the questionnaire into an email and send it to me.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist a person who is suffering to identify a possible energetic root cause of that suffering. Bringing the details to conscious awareness and reviewing patterning will greatly assist you in clearing a debilitating condition once and for all. Please fill out the best you can, and return to Kelly at Kelly@claimyourspace.org. Confidentiality is strictly observed.
Do you suffer from anxiety or panic?
Do you suffer from severe depression?
Have you been diagnosed with a psychiatric or mood disorder?
Do your moods change quickly for no apparent reason?
Do you have an obsession or addiction you cannot seem to shake?
Are you or have you ever been suicidal?
Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?
Do you REALLY, REALLY miss one of your deceased relatives or friends? If so, who?
Has a loved one died, and are you finding that you now have similar symptoms to the deceased, including personality changes, habits, addictions?
Have you been told you have inherited a disease that someone else in your family has already died of? What is it?
Do you have a chronic physical illness that won't go away, or that Doctors cannot seem to cure?
Do you sustain recurring injuries or symptoms in the same area of your body? (Ex: always bumping your head, always twisting your right ankle, always have a stomach ache or fluttery heart, etc)
Do you have insomnia?
Do people ever say that you did or said something, but you have no recollection of doing or saying it?
Has anyone ever said that you talk in your sleep?
Did you suddenly lose your attraction to your mate, or decide to change your sexual orientation at any point?
Do you feel repulsed by people of the opposite sex?
Do you hear thoughts in your head that are not yours?
Do you see people or things that others cannot?
Do you ever feel that you are not alone?
Do you see a cycle of victimization in your life?
Over time, have you developed addictions to food, alcohol, drugs or behaviors you didn't have before?
Can you think back to the time when your habits changed? What happened around that time? Did someone pass away? Did you drink to blackout? Witness a traumatic event?
Have you had a dramatic change in attitude or beliefs?
Have you ever engaged in self-destructive behavior – cutting your skin or hair, picking at your skin or face, battering yourself or other things?
Did you suffer physical, sexual or emotional abuse? If so, when, and was it once, or repeated?
If you’ve suffered physical abuse, what parts of the body were injured, and what was used on you?
Were you ever tortured physically, mentally or emotionally? Please elaborate if you can.
Have you ever been under general anesthesia? List dates and reasons for the surgery.
Have you ever lost a child, born or unborn? If so, when?
Did your mother ever lose a child that you know of? If so, when?
Were you a twin, but the other baby didn’t survive?
Have you ever toured or lived near or fought in a battlefield or place of extreme decimation of human life? (modern war, Gettysburg, Auchschwitz, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, etc?) When?
Do you live near or spend time in a graveyard for any reason?
Do you live near a hospital, convalescent home or church?
Have you spent time in a hospital, prison, convalescent home, treatment center - for work, to visit, or other reasons? When?
Have you ever used drink or drugs to the point of blackout (walking and talking, but not remembering a period of time)?
Have you ever used drink or drugs to the point of unconsciousness? List dates the best you can.
Are you accident prone or clumsy? If yes, please explain
Do you feel like someone has hexed or put a curse on you?
Are your symptoms similar to those of a family member?
Is there anything else you’d like me to know?
The purpose of this questionnaire is to assist a person who is suffering to identify a possible energetic root cause of that suffering. Bringing the details to conscious awareness and reviewing patterning will greatly assist you in clearing a debilitating condition once and for all. Please fill out the best you can, and return to Kelly at Kelly@claimyourspace.org. Confidentiality is strictly observed.
Do you suffer from anxiety or panic?
Do you suffer from severe depression?
Have you been diagnosed with a psychiatric or mood disorder?
Do your moods change quickly for no apparent reason?
Do you have an obsession or addiction you cannot seem to shake?
Are you or have you ever been suicidal?
Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?
Do you REALLY, REALLY miss one of your deceased relatives or friends? If so, who?
Has a loved one died, and are you finding that you now have similar symptoms to the deceased, including personality changes, habits, addictions?
Have you been told you have inherited a disease that someone else in your family has already died of? What is it?
Do you have a chronic physical illness that won't go away, or that Doctors cannot seem to cure?
Do you sustain recurring injuries or symptoms in the same area of your body? (Ex: always bumping your head, always twisting your right ankle, always have a stomach ache or fluttery heart, etc)
Do you have insomnia?
Do people ever say that you did or said something, but you have no recollection of doing or saying it?
Has anyone ever said that you talk in your sleep?
Did you suddenly lose your attraction to your mate, or decide to change your sexual orientation at any point?
Do you feel repulsed by people of the opposite sex?
Do you hear thoughts in your head that are not yours?
Do you see people or things that others cannot?
Do you ever feel that you are not alone?
Do you see a cycle of victimization in your life?
Over time, have you developed addictions to food, alcohol, drugs or behaviors you didn't have before?
Can you think back to the time when your habits changed? What happened around that time? Did someone pass away? Did you drink to blackout? Witness a traumatic event?
Have you had a dramatic change in attitude or beliefs?
Have you ever engaged in self-destructive behavior – cutting your skin or hair, picking at your skin or face, battering yourself or other things?
Did you suffer physical, sexual or emotional abuse? If so, when, and was it once, or repeated?
If you’ve suffered physical abuse, what parts of the body were injured, and what was used on you?
Were you ever tortured physically, mentally or emotionally? Please elaborate if you can.
Have you ever been under general anesthesia? List dates and reasons for the surgery.
Have you ever lost a child, born or unborn? If so, when?
Did your mother ever lose a child that you know of? If so, when?
Were you a twin, but the other baby didn’t survive?
Have you ever toured or lived near or fought in a battlefield or place of extreme decimation of human life? (modern war, Gettysburg, Auchschwitz, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor, etc?) When?
Do you live near or spend time in a graveyard for any reason?
Do you live near a hospital, convalescent home or church?
Have you spent time in a hospital, prison, convalescent home, treatment center - for work, to visit, or other reasons? When?
Have you ever used drink or drugs to the point of blackout (walking and talking, but not remembering a period of time)?
Have you ever used drink or drugs to the point of unconsciousness? List dates the best you can.
Are you accident prone or clumsy? If yes, please explain
Do you feel like someone has hexed or put a curse on you?
Are your symptoms similar to those of a family member?
Is there anything else you’d like me to know?
Spirit Attachment Questionnaire
Paranormal Investigators intermittently possessed?
I was recently invited to a local paranormal group's meeting. They dicussed ethics in the workplace, and were complaining about certain members of the crew who would bicker amongst themselves and "swear incessantly" while setting up cameras in someone's house.
I asked the Executive Director later by email, whether he had ever considered that these bickering, swearing camerapersons might be being intermittently possessed. If you were a ghost and you didn't want to be detected by these cameras, wouldn't the best place to hide be in the body of a camera person, who stays BEHIND the camera?
They had invited me to nail down a possible date for them to come over and film me doing an energy healing/spirit depossession session. They offered to use their thermal imaging cameras to try and catch something coming out of the body of my client.
I think my do-it-yourself space claiming kit might be a good thing for all paranormal investigators to have.
After all, isn't it usually "Sensitive" people who go into this business anyway? They tend to be more susceptible to spirit possession than others.
I asked the Executive Director later by email, whether he had ever considered that these bickering, swearing camerapersons might be being intermittently possessed. If you were a ghost and you didn't want to be detected by these cameras, wouldn't the best place to hide be in the body of a camera person, who stays BEHIND the camera?
They had invited me to nail down a possible date for them to come over and film me doing an energy healing/spirit depossession session. They offered to use their thermal imaging cameras to try and catch something coming out of the body of my client.
I think my do-it-yourself space claiming kit might be a good thing for all paranormal investigators to have.
After all, isn't it usually "Sensitive" people who go into this business anyway? They tend to be more susceptible to spirit possession than others.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Interview on Paranormal Talk
Please click on this link to hear the 30 minute interview I had with Annette at Paranormal Talk Radio.
Actual Interview
Attached to Spirits - Sonoma West Times article
Please see this article. It was written in October 2005, for the Halloween edition of a local paper. Too bad they didn't save the photo. We were on the front page of the B section! It was a full page article! Considering I 've never had an article written about me before, the outcome was sort of a surprise. I hope you find it interesting.
Space Claiming and Protection Verse
Protection Verse and Claiming Your Space Prayer
"I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to be present with me now as I intend for the most appropriate healing to take place. Please help guide any earthbound spirits to the light during this whole process, and remove any other energies that are not meant to be in my space."
Claiming Your Space
"My name is (state your full name as it appears on your birth certificate). I claim my space as my own. Any other person, spirit, entity or energy form does not have permission to be in my space and needs to go now. If any relatives were attached to me, I give you a heartfelt farewell, and ask you to understand that, even though you didn't realize it, your presence in my space has been causing my body to be ill. Please look for the Light. Someone you know will be there, waiting to guide you into the Light. I ask my guardian angels and healing angels to assist any spirits or entities who are unable to help themselves, and guide them out of my space and into the Light, or wherever is most appropriate. I give thanks knowing it is done." "
Intro to Radio Interview 12-26-06
This was forwarded by Annette, the host of Paranormal talk, before the show on 12-26-06.
Tuesday's edition of Paranormal Talk! should be fascinating! My guest will be Kelly Ray, a certified Reiki Master and Ordained Minister, who has a B.A. in Anthropology. Her specialty is spirit attachment and clearing. Kelly has been clearing spirits since 1992. Experiencing the deaths of three immediate family members by the time she was 20 years old set Kelly on a quest to discover what lies between and behind the veils of perception. Refusing to accept the notion that she would be forever separated from her mother, father and brother, Kelly focused on all things metaphysical. During the process of self-healing, it became apparent that growing up in an extremely haunted house, built circa 1720, contributed significantly to the family's suffering and demise. Kelly was fortunate enough to cross paths with a gifted visual psychic whose specialty was identifying and removing traumatic densities and attached spirits from people's energy fields. Together, they spent 14 years assisting other people with finding the root causes of all kinds of physical, mental and emotional suffering, and eliminating them.
Tuesday's edition of Paranormal Talk! should be fascinating! My guest will be Kelly Ray, a certified Reiki Master and Ordained Minister, who has a B.A. in Anthropology. Her specialty is spirit attachment and clearing. Kelly has been clearing spirits since 1992. Experiencing the deaths of three immediate family members by the time she was 20 years old set Kelly on a quest to discover what lies between and behind the veils of perception. Refusing to accept the notion that she would be forever separated from her mother, father and brother, Kelly focused on all things metaphysical. During the process of self-healing, it became apparent that growing up in an extremely haunted house, built circa 1720, contributed significantly to the family's suffering and demise. Kelly was fortunate enough to cross paths with a gifted visual psychic whose specialty was identifying and removing traumatic densities and attached spirits from people's energy fields. Together, they spent 14 years assisting other people with finding the root causes of all kinds of physical, mental and emotional suffering, and eliminating them.
Radio Interview
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